
Showing posts from June, 2017

Spring Concerts Benefit The Tide Ministry

Music features prominently in scripture, and in the Old Testament we often see musicians at the forefront in a variety of situations. King Jehoshaphat had a choir leading his army into battle, and in literary fashion this spring The Tide ministry has had musicians leading the charge as we continue in the spiritual battle to win souls for Christ and build the Kingdom of God in the hearts of people around the globe. During the month of April the Cumberland Valley Christian Choir presented a cantata entitled “Blessed Hope” in four different venues. Audiences across central Pennsylvania were treated to a spiritually uplifting time of inspiration and worship, and were challenged to grow in their own faith, and to give generously so that others may come to know Christ. The choir takes nothing from the offerings collected at the concerts for their own use, but instead each year designates the entire offering to a ministry organization, We are extremely grateful that his year the Cumberland Va...