
Showing posts from June, 2019

Six Months into Beard-Growing, Men in The Tide® Ministry’s ‘Year Beard’ Challenge Raise Thousands to Spread the Word About Gospel Radio Broadcasts

After a full six months of not shaving, the beards on the faces of a brave group of men are getting longer, thicker and a little more unruly. But it’s all for a good cause. Fourteen men have committed to be a part of The Tide ® ( ) global radio ministry’s unique “Year Beard” challenge and vowed not to shave their beards for the entire year of 2019 to raise awareness and funds for the ministry. Thus far, more than $14,000 has been raised to help purchase more airtime for The Tide ministry’s Gospel radio broadcasts in Asia, Africa and Europe. A motivating factor is the knowledge that for every dollar given, 20 more people worldwide can hear about Jesus. “After six months of beard growth, the Year Beard challenge is catching on, as people who knew nothing of our global radio ministry are being told about The Tide ministry as they ask, ‘What’s up with that beard?’” said Director of Development Mark Story, who initiated the project and is also a participant. “Inter...

New Venture in Albania

In 2015, The Tide ministry entered in local partnership with Radio 7 Albania and some local pastors to produce and air Christian radio programs in the Albanian language. These programs, titled ‘Sipas Fjales’ (According to the Word), are being used as church planting tools as pastors make disciples of listeners who respond to the Gospel. The Gospel is clearly being preached and listeners are eagerly responding. During January, February, and March this year our radio pastors in Albania received 412 phone calls, 323 text messages, and 621 WhatsApp contacts from listeners. Additionally, 285 listeners responded through email, and between our two Albanian radio pastors they were able to meet individually with 96 listeners. The effective outreach and discipleship that The Tide ministry has experienced using radio has prompted us to press on in Albania using television to reach a younger audience. Pastor Klodi often meets with listeners at the coffee shop operated by his congregatio...

New Radio Studio in Zimbabwe Helps More Listeners Know Christ Through The Tide® Programming

More than 35 years ago, The Tide ®  global radio ministry began working with a church group to broadcast Christian radio programming in Zimbabwe. Today, that first program in the Ndebele language—which is called “Amagugu Evangeli,” meaning “Precious Gospel” in English—has grown to include two other languages and reaches so many more. And now, even more listeners will be able to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ thanks to a new, upgraded and larger radio studio in Zimbabwe. The Tide Director Don Shenk noted that previous radio work in Zimbabwe was done in a cramped and noisy setting. “But more than two years ago, The Tide ministry began building a new, larger and upgraded recording studio so that this local radio ministry could continue to grow and impact more lives for Christ,” Shenk said. “As more and more in Zimbabwe learn about Jesus and become hungry for the Word, our partners and local pastors will be able to reach even more listeners with Gospel programming in their own la...

Standing in Him

Deuteronomy 31:6-8 What does it take to be a man or woman of courage? Does it take a man or woman of position? A man or woman with a title? No, it takes a life completely surrendered over to God and a life given over to His will completely. It takes courage to stand in Him, to stand in love. Courage, what does it mean? · the ability to do something that frightens one. “she called on all her courage to face the ordeal” · strength in the face of pain or grief Facing many hurts, and disappointments in life can at times lead us to be a person who feels as if there is to never be a time of believing that good things are for them. What if we are wrong? There is good just ahead. We have to grab ahold of that promise in His Word that there is good for us. That He has gone before you bidding you to come and to keep going. What if the hurt and disappointments were for our good? We know that God plans or orders our steps. So, if the journey we walk through and know that He has planned ...