
Showing posts from January, 2020

Nepal, No. 32 on the World Watch List

The nation of Nepal remained at the No. 32 spot on the 2020 World Watch List from Open Doors USA, which each year ranks 50 countries around the world where Christian persecution is ranked from “high” to “extreme,” putting Nepal in the “very high” category. The Tide® has worked in Nepal for the past 15 years, broadcasting Gospel programming in the Nepali language since 2004, then offering programs in the Tharu language in 2013, which has allowed the ministry to reach millions more listeners. Director Don Shenk said the ministry’s partners on the ground as well as radio listeners have reported hardships associated with trusting and worshipping Jesus. “Officially, the people of Nepal have religious freedoms, but the at the same time, anti-conversion language has been written into the Constitution, preventing Christians from sharing their faith in Christ with others,” Shenk said. “This causes some Nepali Christians to live in fear and be very hesitant to talk about their changed outloo...

Nepal, Where The Tide® Ministry Has Worked for 15 Years, Remains No. 32 on 2020 World Watch List

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa.— The nation of Nepal remained at the No. 32 spot on the 2020 World Watch List from Open Doors USA, which each year ranks 50 countries around the world where Christian persecution is ranked from “high” to “extreme,” putting Nepal in the “very high” category. The Tide® ( ) global radio ministry has worked in Nepal for the past 15 years, broadcasting Gospel programming in the Nepali language since 2004, then offering programs in the Tharu language in 2013, which has allowed the ministry to reach millions more listeners. The Tide Director Don Shenk said the ministry’s partners on the ground as well as radio listeners have reported hardships associated with trusting and worshipping Jesus. “Officially, the people of Nepal have religious freedoms, but the at the same time, anti-conversion language has been written into the Constitution, preventing Christians from sharing their faith in Christ with others,” Shenk said. “This causes some Nepali Christian...

2019 in Numbers

We’re reflecting on the blessings experienced worldwide this year and looking back on an impactful year of reaching millions of listeners around the globe with the hope of the Gospel.  “As we consider all God has allowed this ministry to accomplish through His power and providence this year, we are beyond blessed to interact with His children in far corners of the world, introduce people to His Son, Jesus, and hopefully impact their lives eternally,” said Don Shenk. Shenk noted that while the true impact comes in the form of listeners’ feedback and testimonials of life change, numbers help partners on the ground to reflect on the many who were reached throughout the year.  Listeners who responded to broadcasts via mail, email, phone and text: 14,118 Discipleship mail pieces sent to listeners, including Bibles/New Testaments, Gospel booklets, tracts and Bible lessons: 14,125 Listeners who received a personal visit from a discipleship worker: 1,070 Group discipleship even...

Year Beard Raised Over $27k

On January 4, a group of guys in central Pennsylvania got together—not for a big game, a hike or a hunt—but they did have one very unique thing in common. All had committed to growing their beards for an entire year to help raise awareness and funds for The Tide! For the 2019 “Year Beard” challenge, 16 men grew their beards all year long, while several others committed to shorter growing periods—eight for “No Shave November,” one for a three-month period, and five for six months. “We are excited to announce that the inaugural Year Beard challenge raised over $27,000 for The Tide global Gospel ministry,” said The Tide Director of Development Mark D. Story, who was also a Year Beard participant along with The Tide Director Don Shenk. “This was due to the diligent efforts of the participants, as well as a generous matching gift. We are immensely grateful to the bearded men who made a very unique—and sometimes challenging—commitment to grow their beards for a full year so that The Tide mi...

Constitutional Anti-Conversion Language Poses Dangerous Difficulties for Christians in Nepal

According to the Christian persecution watchdog group, , Nepal is home to one of the fastest growing Christian communities in the world. In fact, the organization reports, the latest figures suggest there are now approximately 13,000 churches in the former Hindu kingdom. These growing Christian communities in Nepal, however, are not without grave challenges. “Nepal has historically been a Hindu stronghold, but in 2008, the nation drafted an interim constitution that gave Nepali citizens some religious freedom rights,” said Don Shenk. “This change also allowed more ministries like The Tide to make inroads in Nepal. But in 2015, a new constitution was adopted after government officials debated for several years. At that time, Nepal was officially established as a secular country, and its citizens were given religious liberties. But simultaneously, anti-conversion language was added to the constitution, making it punishable for Christians and other believers to share thei...

Constitutional Anti-Conversion Language Poses Dangerous Difficulties for Christians in Nepal

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa.— According to the Christian persecution watchdog group, , Nepal is home to one of the fastest growing Christian communities in the world. In fact, the organization reports, the latest figures suggest there are now approximately 13,000 churches in the former Hindu kingdom. These growing Christian communities in Nepal, however, are not without grave challenges. The Tide® ( ) global radio ministry has broadcast Gospel programming in Nepal since 2004, first in the Nepali language, then offering programs in the Tharu language in 2013, which has allowed the ministry to reach millions more listeners. “Nepal has historically been a Hindu stronghold, but in 2008, the nation drafted an interim constitution that gave Nepali citizens some religious freedom rights,” said The Tide Director Don Shenk. “This change also allowed more ministries like The Tide to make inroads in Nepal. But in 2015, a new constitution was adopted after government offi...

Tharu Program Giving Hope of Abundant Life

Christians in Nepal face many challenges American believers may never experience: being shunned by families, excommunicated from communities or even criminally charged because of their faith in Christ. In spite of this danger, we have been getting reports from Nepal that people are courageously listening to our programs and are being inspired. “Hindu influence in Nepal is extremely strong, and new Christians may have little support when it comes to asking questions about the Bible and the way to salvation,” said The Tide Director Don Shenk. “In fact, they may have no one to turn to at all, which is why it is so important that The Tide gospel programs reach even more people—both in Nepal and worldwide.” At one point, Nepal was the world’s only official Hindu kingdom. Nepal identifies as a secular nation, and although the politics have changed, the people of Nepal remain deeply religious, with about 86% who are followers of Hinduism. However, despite of this political shift, “many…are ...

Tharu People in Nepal Share Life Change Because of The Tide® Gospel Radio Programming

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa.— Christians in Nepal face many challenges American believers may never experience: being shunned by families, excommunicated from communities or even criminally charged because of their faith in Christ. Regardless of the dangers of being a Christian in Nepal, many are encouraged by the hope that Gospel programming from The Tide® ( ) global radio ministry brings. Since 2004, The Tide ministry has broadcast programming in Nepal. In 2013, the ministry began offering additional programming in the Tharu language to enable the Gospel to reach potentially millions more. “Hindu influence in Nepal is extremely strong, and new Christians may have little support when it comes to asking questions about the Bible and the way to salvation,” said The Tide Director Don Shenk. “In fact, they may have no one to turn to at all, which is why it is so important that The Tide gospel programs reach even more people—both in Nepal and worldwide.” At one time, Shenk adde...

Fanning the Flames

I have many memories of being around fires as I grew up.  In the Fall as cold and winter weather began, we raked the fallen leaves and branches into piles and then set them on fire.  We had to stir and turn the leaves occasionally to keep them burning.   I remember sitting around a fire just to relax and enjoy our family and friends.  I remember preparing hamburgers and hot dogs over the flames of a grill.   I remember making popcorn and holding marsh mellows over fires until they turned light brown and were gooey in the middle for a tasty desert.   “… they saw a fire of burning coals there, with fish on it and some bread.” John 21:9  I remember the fires in a fireplace that was under a barrel full of water in Africa.   It was the only way to get hot water and felt so good to have a hot bath.  I remember sitting, talking and laughing as we sat around the fires to stay warn in the cool evening air.  There’s something special when sitt...

The Tide® Ministry Celebrates Over $27,000 in ‘Year Beard’ Donations at ‘Beard Bonanza’

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa.— This past Saturday afternoon, a group of guys in central Pennsylvania got together—not for a big game, a hike or a hunt—but they did have one very unique thing in common. All had committed to growing their beards for an entire year to help raise awareness and funds for The Tide® ( ) ministry’s work to spread the Gospel around the globe. For the 2019 “Year Beard” challenge, 16 men grew their beards all year long, while several others committed to shorter growing periods—eight for “No Shave November,” one for a three-month period and five for six months. “We are excited to announce that the inaugural Year Beard challenge raised over $27,000 for The Tide global Gospel ministry,” said The Tide Director of Development Mark D. Story, who was also a Year Beard participant along with The Tide Director Don Shenk. “This was due to the diligent efforts of the participants, as well as a generous matching gift. We are immensely grateful to the bearded men who ...