Prayer for Indigenous Pastors

This week we want to encourage you to pray for the indigenous pastors and leaders in India, Nepal, Nigeria, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe. They are in need of education, resources, encouragement, and support as they take on the important task of reaching out to their own nationalities and share the important message of God’s love to their own people.

The Tide works hand in hand with indigenous church groups, church planters, and evangelists to plant and nurture new congregations. One issue we are facing today is a need to provide indigenous pastors and spiritual leaders with the education and resources needed to reach their communities with the Gospel of Christ.

Did you know?
• There are 196 countries in the world. 86 of those countries prohibit or restrict western missionaries.
• There are appx 285,000 indigenous missionaries serving in the world, making up 2/3 of the world’s missionary force.
• 99% of people in the US, Canada, and UK can read at write by the age of 15; compared to 90% in Zimbabwe, 68% in Nigeria, 63% in Malawi, 61% in India, 49% in Nepal, and 48% in Mozambique

Check our website regularly for a Prayer Focus of the week


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