Merry Christmas from The Tide

Christmas is a great time for Christians to celebrate the wonderful gift from God of Jesus our Savior. It doesn’t matter where you come from; Jesus is the perfect gift for you. The mission of The Tide is to make known Jesus throughout the world and to help to point people into His loving embrace.

During this season, The Tide also celebrates generosity. All of the financial support is what makes it possible for The Tide to continue its ministry in different countries around the world. Without the continued support of people like you, The Tide would not be able to continue proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to people who otherwise may never hear! The continued support re-enforces our visions and goals of how to reach more people with the gospel.

The Tide’s newest goal is Vision 2015 which is our goal to add more evangelistic radio programs in 15 different heart languages by 2015. In order to make this goal a reality, we have or will be doing the following things:

-Three more people groups in Nigeria desperately need to hear the gospel in their own language. Annang will be the first language undertaken towards Vision 2015.

-The Tide has signed a radio contract for airtime to begin broadcasting in the Dzongkha language in Bhutan in March of 2012. Although the population in Bhutan is small, it is one of the least evangelized nations. We hope that through our radio broadcast we can bring the truth of Jesus Christ to the people of Bhutan.

-In Malawi there is a radio broadcast that could reach many of the Yao speaking people. However the Malawian government makes obtaining the license very slow. Pray that the licensing happens soon so that The Tide may continue with plans for a radio broadcast in the Yao language.

-In 2012 The Tide will be doubling the number of centers in India where adult literacy courses are conducted. These classes in the past have led to the formation of radio listening clubs, the inspiration of people to attend Seekers Conferences, and both of these often lead to the people committing their lives to Jesus Christ.

Continue keeping The Tide in your prayers and consider donating to Vision 2015 so that more people may hear about the good news of Jesus.


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