Last year The Tide Board of Directors, seeking to build on the momentum of over six decades of radio ministry, set an aggressive goal to introduce evangelistic radio programs in 15 additional languages by the year 2015. This new campaign, which has been named The Tide Vision 2015, will require the addition of approximately four new heart language programs each year over the next four years. With almost a quarter of the world’s population living within the current range of The Tide radio ministry, and over 6,900 languages spoken in the world today, the opportunities are great. Much of 2011 was spent investigating and prioritizing various options, and laying out a strategy for The Tide ministry to reach even more people for Christ. As a result 10 potential languages have already been identified to reach people groups in Bhutan, Malawi, Mozambique, and Nigeria. As The Tide works towards implementing radio ministries in these 10 languages the process of selecting another five continues. Presently, more tribal languages in India are under consideration as well as opportunities in Thailand and Pakistan.
The Tide® Ministry Celebrates Over $27,000 in ‘Year Beard’ Donations at ‘Beard Bonanza’
CHAMBERSBURG, Pa.— This past Saturday afternoon, a group of guys in central Pennsylvania got together—not for a big game, a hike or a hunt—but they did have one very unique thing in common. All had committed to growing their beards for an entire year to help raise awareness and funds for The Tide® ( ) ministry’s work to spread the Gospel around the globe. For the 2019 “Year Beard” challenge, 16 men grew their beards all year long, while several others committed to shorter growing periods—eight for “No Shave November,” one for a three-month period and five for six months. “We are excited to announce that the inaugural Year Beard challenge raised over $27,000 for The Tide global Gospel ministry,” said The Tide Director of Development Mark D. Story, who was also a Year Beard participant along with The Tide Director Don Shenk. “This was due to the diligent efforts of the participants, as well as a generous matching gift. We are immensely grateful to the bearded men who ...