Call To Prayer For The Persecuted Church

On any given day, even though they may not make the headlines, there are reports of people facing unfair treatment because they have made a decision to follow Jesus.  The majority of people being persecuted for their faith live in regions of the world where their rights and freedom of expression are either limited or not adequately protected. 

The mistreatment of followers of Christ not only subjects them to mental and physical anguish – and possibly even martyrdom – but also places them in the midst of a spiritual battlefield.  The Tide encourages those who enjoy a greater degree of freedom to identify with and support our brothers and sisters in Christ around the globe who are being subjected to harsh, demeaning, and violent actions. 

In the physical realm we can advocate for our fellow believers around the globe by petitioning the governing authorities to legislate and enforce freedom of religion, provide unbiased protection for all people, and to deal swiftly and justly with those who take the law into their own hands and discriminate against Christians.

It is also crucial that we engage in this warfare on a spiritual level through prayer.  For this reason November has been set aside as a month to pray specifically for the persecuted church.  The Tide is calling on all Christians to make a commitment to actively and passionately pray for Christians who are being persecuted for their faith.  Ideally, spend the month of November developing a habit of praying for those who do not have freedom of religion, and then maintain that habit on an ongoing basis.  You are also encouraged to promote the plight of suffering believers by calling your church to a time of corporate prayer for the persecuted Church.  The Tide has made available a short video that may be screened during a worship service and followed by a time of prayer.  Please pass this information along to your pastor, worship leader, or prayer coordinator.  Include in your prayer times ministries like The Tide who are reaching out to people around the globe with the hope of Jesus.  Many who listen to the Gospel through one of the Tide heart language radio programs write in to express how hearing God’s word has given them the strength and encouragement they need to stand firm in their faith under pressure.  The following are various issues you can prayerfully take before God’s throne of grace;

  1. Pray that believers who are being persecuted will experience God’s hand of protection. 
  2. Ask God to manifest His presence in the lives of those who are suffering because of their faith.
  3. Petition God to incline the hearts of secular leaders to legislate and mandate freedom of religion and protection for believers within their jurisdiction.
  4. Plead for the Holy Spirit to soften the hearts of anti-Christian radicals and to turn their unbelief in to life transforming faith.
  5. Uphold The Tide ministry partners who live and minister in regions of the world where there lives are endangered because of their faith and active witness.


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