Making Progress in Nepal

Thanks to the prayers and support of people like you, the plan to expand The Tide© radio ministry into Nepal became a reality in 2004. Since October 2004, The Tide’s studio in India has been busy producing and distributing a weekly Christian radio program in the Nepali language, which airs on an FM station in Biratnagar, a large urban center of Nepal.
In June of 2013, The Tide began airing a radio program in a second language of Nepal. The Tide Tharu Language radio program now airs once a week on an FM station. With less than 0.5% Tharu speakers professing Christianity and no major Christian broadcasting ministries producing programs in this language, the need for outreach in this language is great! The Tide Tharu Language program is named “Anmol Jindgi,” which means “Precious Life.”

During the last week of June, a team of four Tharu Christians traveled from Nepal to The Tide studio in India to record messages and music for the next few months of broadcasts.  During their visit they worked diligently to record 24 programs consisting of solid Biblical teaching in a culturally relevant manner. The Tide Tharu language speaker is a native of the Tharu people who has a calling to speak the Truth about Jesus to his indigenous people living in the darkness of Hindu strongholds. The group of musicians accompanying him also recorded 15 Biblical songs written and recorded in the Tharu language.  Their visit was a busy one, but also full of needed spiritual encouragement from The Tide Partners in India. The last day of their stay included worship with a local church congregation as the four Tharu visitors were blessed and sent off with radios to distribute and use in their follow-up ministry among the Tharu people.

lease keep The Tide Partners in Nepal in your prayers as they minister to a nation of people where Hinduism is the primary religion of 85% of the population. The Hindu emphasis is so strongly linked to the culture that historically, kings and leaders were worshipped as the incarnation of Hindu gods. Christians in Nepal are theoretically free to worship God, but are liable to arrest and persecution if they do anything that appears to be an effort to convince others to join the Church. Keep these bold servants of the True King in your prayers as they speak about Christ in a very dark part of the world.


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