Easter Greetings

Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me 
Matt 25:40 (NIV)
For many people Easter is about candy, eggs, and bunnies, but for Christians it is a time to remember and celebrate the gift of eternal life that Jesus made possible to giving His life on the cross in exchange for ours.  This precious gift we have received by faith is available for anyone who believes, and The Tide staff and board of directors are extremely grateful to you for the role you play in enabling so many people around the world to hear about Jesus and accept Him as their life giving Savior.

You help makes it possible to produce and air heart language radio programs so people can hear about Jesus in the language they were born to speak.  You gifts help put radios in the hands of community leaders and church planters as valuable outreach tools.  You enable ministry workers to follow up with radio listeners to make disciples and baptize them, and to put Bibles in the hands of those too poor to purchase their own.
This Easter as you focus on what Jesus has done for you, The Tide ministry personnel express our gratitude and appreciation to you for what you have done for Jesus!  You bring to mind the words of Jesus; "Whatever you did for those in need, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40 paraphrased)
Creatively sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ worldwide through media and partnerships
Thank you for choosing to use The Tide ministry as a means to serve Jesus and make Christ followers around the globe.  We ask you to expand your Kingdom influence with an extra-ordinary Easter gift, but above all give glory to God for His grace and rest assured that be cause of you others in far away places are celebrating Easter as we do and not as the world does!

Have a blessed Easter Celebration!


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