Don and Becky Shenk Attend Leadership Conference in India

Leaders from The Tide are currently traveling in India, training other leaders for full-time service to the Lord and enabling them to share Jesus’ love and saving grace through radio airwaves.

The Tide began its ministry 71 years ago, and since 1978, it has been broadcasting Gospel radio programming throughout India and is continually working toward ways to continue to reach over 1.3 billion people in India—and the rest of the world.

The Tide Director Don Shenk is joining other leaders from countries around the world this month in India.

Leaders who bring The Tide ministry’s radio programs to listeners around the world are currently meeting in India to discuss how they can further advance the gospel message,” Shenk said. “We kindly ask for prayers—that God will give us the wisdom to lead others toward Him—regardless of the obstacles. But the life-changing impact of our work keeps us motivated. A listener from India who appreciates our radio outreach recently remarked the program shares ‘the love of God and Good News of salvation.’ Praise God!”

Though multiple religions are practiced in India, Hinduism remains the largest in the nation. Even with this knowledge, The Tide global radio ministry remains committed to sharing Christ’s message in India, as it has been for nearly 40 years. While Christian ministries have noticed more challenges that make it harder for them to serve and reach people in India, per a recent article from Mission Network News, The Tide ministry will continue to work toward new, innovative and creative ways to the share the Gospel. And training gatherings like the one happening right now in India are sure to be the impetus that will inspire and invigorate.

The post Don and Becky Shenk Attend Leadership Conference in India appeared first on The Tide.


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