New Bhatri Language Broadcaster for The Tide Gives Testimony of Life Change

The Tide® recently began offering Gospel radio messages in the Bhatri language to a primitive people group in India, and the broadcaster of this new programming is sharing his testimony of life change. David was brought up in a Hindu family, and began listening to the Trans World Radio Christian programs on a radio his father had purchased. Slowly, David came understand there is a living God who can give him peace, and he was able to see the power of God that changed his life. Once he gave his life to Jesus, David attended Jharsuguda Bible College and earned a bachelor’s degree in theology. He began preaching the Gospel and planted several churches.

 “The Tide ministry is blessed to be working with David, as he records programming in the Bhatri language for the Bhottada people in India,” said The Tide Director Don Shenk. “David is honored and thrilled to be the speaker of the Bhatri language for this people group so they can hear the Good News Radio Hour in partnership with The Tide ministry. Lord willing, thousands of people will hear David’s broadcasts and come to know Jesus Christ and how his love and grace can transform their lives.”

The Tide partners created a relationship with the Bhottada tribe because they live in close proximity to the region where The Tide has had strong church planting efforts. The Bhottada families are mostly nuclear, and both fathers and mothers play an important role. These families currently worship Hindu deities and hold major festivals and rituals aligned with this belief system.

Learn more about our work in India.

The post New Bhatri Language Broadcaster for The Tide Gives Testimony of Life Change appeared first on The Tide.


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