
Showing posts from March, 2019

Men Grow Their Beard to Help Share the Gospel

Men who want to do their part to help people around the world hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ have officially stopped shaving for the entire year of 2019! On Jan. 4, The Tide® global radio ministry kicked off our unique “Year Beard” challenge with 15 men who are willing to stop shaving and grow their beards for a full year to raise awareness and funds for our radio ministry. Full Year Beard participants began this challenge on January 4, 2019 and will end on Jan- uary 4, 2020 with a beard judging contest. However, men canstill sign up to grow out their beards for a shorter time periodthroughout the year with commitments of 6 months, 3 months, or No Shave November. Through this “Year Beard” campaign, these bearded men will all be seeking monthly sponsors to helpthem meet corresponding fundraising goals for each time peri- od that will help purchase more airtime for The Tide ministry Gospel radio broadcasts in Asia, Africa and Europe. A motivat- ing factor is the knowledge that for ...

Celebrating New Zimbabwe Radio Studio with U.S. Ribbon Cutting

We’re  celebrating a new radio studio in Zimbabwe with a local ribbon cutting here at home. In 1983,  The Tide  ministry began working with a church group in Zimbabwe to produce and air a Ndebele language radio program called “Amagugu Evangeli,” which means “Precious Gospel” in English. Since then, the ministry has also assisted in the production of Christian radio programs in the English and Shona languages. “Our radio work in Zimbabwe has been accomplished in a rather cramped and noisy setting, but about two years ago, The Tide ministry began building a new, larger and upgraded recording studio so that this local radio ministry can continue to grow and impact more lives for Christ,” said The Tide Director Don Shenk. “Now, our partners on the ground and local pastors will be able to reach even more listeners with gospel programming in their own languages.” WHO : The Tide global radio ministry WHAT : Local ribbon cutting WHERE : Chambersburg Brethren in Christ Ch...

A Report From India

It is with a heavy heart that we report to let you know that in late January our precious sister in the Lord and partner in ministry, Manjula Roul, passed away quietly in her sleep. She was the wife of Rev. Bijoy Roul and has faithfully served in ministry beside him throughout their married life. Please pray for Bijoy as he grieves the loss of his wife, and for the church in India. She has played a huge role in ministry there not only through the local church, but also through her very capable leadership and oversight of The Tide related radio program production and listener discipleship activities in India, Nepal, and Bhutan. As Director of Follow-up Ministry of Good News Hour, India, Manju supervised and managed an office staff of 6 ministry workers to provide effective discipleship activitieswhile also handling numerous details, reports, and correspon- dence that need to be attended to daily. Manju also made sure detailed records were maintained for all activities and liste...

Laying Down Our Life

I don’t think we can truly grasp all that Christ did for us on the Cross. Here was a man, God’s son, who was willing to lay it all down for us. He was the great sacrifice for our sins, our wrongdoings. How could I not praise and follow such a man filled with love and sacrifice as Jesus? No other human alive can do as much as Jesus did for me. When He was being crucified, He didn’t turn in anger or walk away from it and say there is no way I’m doing this. No, Jesus took every step toward Calvary for me, for you, for all of mankind. Jesus didn’t gather those around Himself who were faithful to Him and say, “This is for you, I’m doing this just for you all.” No! Jesus was beaten and betrayed for all mankind. All the way to the vilest of sinners. How could I not worship and follow Him? His life is all love and sacrifice. When we truly love, we are willing to sacrifice anything to show that love to all. To love Jesus’ way, is to shower it upon everyone we meet and know. Jesus’ love i...

Long Term Leadership & Steadfast Service

Don and Becky Shenk with radio pastors in Nepal His passion for world missions began in Rhodesia (which became Zimbabwe in 1980.)  Born in that fertile, beautiful land as a son of missionaries, Don Shenk learned, first-hand the importance and impact of cross-cultural missions.  He had a front row view of the power of learning the language and the culture for lasting effect.  The transforming work of the Holy Spirit is lubricated when the Gospel is heard in one’s own heart language. It was during a home-missions furlough in 1977, when he met his soulmate, Becky Wenger at a youth event. They married in 1981.  Daughter, Amy, was born in 1983, followed by Don, Jr. in 1986.  Their third child, Michelle was born in Zimbabwe in 1990, on Don’s birthday, after they moved there as missionaries in 1988.  Until they returned in 2000, they served at both Wanezi and Mtshabezi Missions. Feeling called to remain in full-time ministry, it was a “hand-in-glove” fit...


How you ever just looked at your life and said, “wow, I have it good?” or on the contrary have you ever said, “why does everything bad always happen me to me? I can honestly say that I’ve had my fair share of saying both statements. Recently we just experience so much rain and dreariness that caused so many people to get sad or even frustrated that it may have ruined their plans or even there hair for the day. All that rain caused me to think about the saying that we all in grade school, “April showers bring May flowers.” But, what if it isn’t April and all these showers are really unexpected? Think about the rain and how stressful, saddening and even annoying those days can be. I see rain as the trials and tribulations that occur in our lives. Rain is super important and God made it so that the plants and animals and in some towns, even humans can have fresh water. Did you know, less than 2 percent of the earth’s water is ground water, but it provides 30 percent of our fresh wat...

Nigerian Christians Face ‘Strategic Modern-Day Jihad’

Christians in Nigeria are facing a “strategic modern-day jihad” and a “deliberate plan to destroy and take over the predominantly Christian communities in the region,” according to The Christian Post . While violence and attacks against Christians in Nigeria have been commonplace for years, the intensity seems to be heightening. In fact, Nigeria has moved up two spots to No. 12 on the 2019 World Watch List from Open Doors USA. “Violence in Nigeria, where The Tide ministry has worked for a decade, has certainly increased, and it seems as though religious animosity is only becoming stronger,” said The Tide Director Don Shenk. “With so many different people groups in one country, Nigeria has always had some underlying ethnic tensions, but we hear from our partners on the ground that radical groups are fueling those tensions to foster an anti-Christian environment where believers are attacked and persecuted for their faith in Jesus.” The Tide ministry has been sharing Gospel progra...