A Report From India

It is with a heavy heart that we report to let you know that in late January our precious sister in the Lord and partner in ministry, Manjula Roul, passed away quietly in her sleep. She was the wife of Rev. Bijoy Roul and has faithfully served in ministry beside him throughout their married life.

Please pray for Bijoy as he grieves the loss of his wife, and for the church in India. She has played a huge role in ministry there not only through the local church, but also through her very capable leadership and oversight of The Tide related radio program production and listener discipleship activities in India, Nepal, and Bhutan. As Director of Follow-up Ministry of Good News Hour, India, Manju supervised and managed an office staff of 6 ministry workers to provide effective discipleship activitieswhile also handling numerous details, reports, and correspon- dence that need to be attended to daily. Manju also made sure detailed records were maintained for all activities and listener contacts. The comprehensive quarterly reports which Manjuprepared and submitted set the standard for reporting guide- lines for all Gospel Tide partner ministries.

Manju’s administrative role included oversight of the Good News Hour and technician making her responsible for the timely production and airing of 12 broadcasts in 11 languages. In addition, Manju also served as the Secretary of the Good News Hour Board of Directors. Manju has personally touched numerous lives with God’s love and will be greatly missed. The church in India has asked, and needs, for us to hold them up in prayer as they walk through this difficult loss.

The post A Report From India appeared first on The Tide.


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