We were up early Tuesday morning and left at 4:00 AM. On our way to the airport we had a blowout on a back tire of the van. Fortunately Matt Heck was able to get us back on the road and to the airport in time to check in and make our flight. We praise God for watching over us! The time at JFK went fairly quickly and even though our flight took off later than scheduled the flight across to Jo-burg, South Africa went very quickly. South African airlines gave us a meal and hotel vouchers for our overnight stay. It is now 3:20AM. Why am I blogging at this hour of the morning you ask? We were rudely awakened with these words blaring through the intercom repeatedly, “this is not a drill, please evacuate the building immediately.” After 20 minutes in the hotel lobby with a host of other bleary eyed guests they told us it was a false alarm. Again we praise God it was a false alarm and not a real fire.
The Tide® Ministry Celebrates Over $27,000 in ‘Year Beard’ Donations at ‘Beard Bonanza’
CHAMBERSBURG, Pa.— This past Saturday afternoon, a group of guys in central Pennsylvania got together—not for a big game, a hike or a hunt—but they did have one very unique thing in common. All had committed to growing their beards for an entire year to help raise awareness and funds for The Tide® ( www.thetide.org ) ministry’s work to spread the Gospel around the globe. For the 2019 “Year Beard” challenge, 16 men grew their beards all year long, while several others committed to shorter growing periods—eight for “No Shave November,” one for a three-month period and five for six months. “We are excited to announce that the inaugural Year Beard challenge raised over $27,000 for The Tide global Gospel ministry,” said The Tide Director of Development Mark D. Story, who was also a Year Beard participant along with The Tide Director Don Shenk. “This was due to the diligent efforts of the participants, as well as a generous matching gift. We are immensely grateful to the bearded men who ...