Christianity Is Unwelcome in Pakistan, But People Need the Hope of Jesus

The nation of Pakistan is overwhelmingly influenced by Islam, with 98.86% of the population Muslim, 0.88% Christian and 0.26% Hindu. But, for those who do not follow the Muslim traditions, life can be difficult. In early 2020, we began broadcasting the Good News of Jesus Christ in two languages in Pakistan—Pashtu and Saraiki.

“Today, thanks to a partnership with the Pakistani Christian Recording Ministry, The Tide ministry is helping to air two programs every week for these people groups,” said The Tide Director Don Shenk. “The programming not only reaches new believers in Christ who have very few Christian resources in Pakistan and little to no support system, but also potential believers who have yet to hear what Jesus has done for them. The ‘Taza Galona,’ or ‘Fresh Flowers’ program, airs in the Pashtu language every Friday morning, while the ‘Hikmet de Moti,’ ‘Pearls of Wisdom’ program is broadcast each Monday morning to Saraiki listeners.”

The Pashtun people in northern Pakistan areas, Shenk added, have lower literacy rates but are strict about traditions. Those who speak Saraiki live in southern regions of Punjab province and are also heavily influenced by Islam. For these reasons, The Tide ministry works with local partners who know the language, culture and customs—not only in Pakistan but in every region where The Tide ministry broadcasts the hope of Christ.

Christians in Pakistan face dangerous levels of persecution. Believers and ministry workers often face threats from fundamentalists who have a very unwelcome attitude toward Christianity, The Tide ministry further reports. In fact, Pakistan is No. 5 on Open Doors USA’s 2020 World Watch List.


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