Easter Greetings

We who are called Christians celebrate Easter as a memorial to God’s power to give us eternal life demonstrated through the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. Pretty flowers, colorful eggs, and chocolate bunnies may all be viewed as symbols of life, but only the death of Jesus on the cross and His subsequent resurrection assures us of salvation for all who believe. This is the message of hope that The Tide radio programs speak to people in their heart languages, and we owe a huge debt of gratitude to friends like you who make it possible for The Tide to consistently proclaim this message. Link

As grateful as we are for your support, our sense of appreciation pales in comparison to the profound words of thanksgiving that come to us from people whose lives are being radically changed through an encounter with Jesus as they hear the gospel in their own language. Here are just a few words of appreciation directly from the mouths of people whose lives you have helped touch;

“Thank you so much for the program Oku Chineke. It has touched my heart and I have received my salvation.” – Yoruba language listener in Nigeria

Read the full article at http://thetide.org/updates/easter-greetings


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