Hoss's Fundraising Night
Every year The
Tide has numerous fundraisers to raise money for heart language radio
broadcasts, radio placements, and general operational costs. Some of these fundraisers include the hamloaf
sale, the nut sale, and the golf benefit.
This year, The
Tide has decided to try a new way to raise funds by partnering with Hoss’s
Steakhouse. Hoss’s will be providing The Tide with tickets to distribute to
people and they will then bring the ticket to the restaurant any time during
the prescheduled day. The cashiers will collect the tickets with the guest
check and total all of the checks collected and then Hoss’s will send The Tide
a check for 25% if sales were $1,200 or more and 20% if it is less than $1,200.
Read the full article at http://thetide.org/updates/hosss-fundraising-night
Read the full article at http://thetide.org/updates/hosss-fundraising-night