The Tide's 'Radios for India' Project Changes Lives

Two key strategies that The Tide ministry employs in following the call of the ‘Great Commission’ in Matthew 28:19 are; preaching the gospel through heart language radio broadcasts and distributing radios so that people can listen to the message of hope and love The Tide programs are proclaiming.   The combination of these two has proven effective in leading people into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.  With poverty being so prevalent throughout India, The Tide ‘Radios for India’ project makes it possible for even the poorest to have their lives changed forever through the gospel message!

Those who receive the radios are asked to submit periodic reports.  The follows accounts give a glimpse into the effectiveness these radios have in bringing people to experience Christ at work in their lives.

Reverand Arun Samal reports that in the Ersama area, a total of 40 people gather to listen with him to The Tide Oriya language program, ‘Shanti Data’. Rev. Samal reports that these listeners find the radio messages very heart touching and inspiring, and like to listen to it every Sunday. As a result a SeekersConference was conducted in Ersama.  Of the 30 people who attended the conference there are10 who are now interested in following the Lord and 5 persons have made a life-changing decision and believed in Jesus Christ” 


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