Mid-Year Report
Mid-year Report An update on the status and progress of The Tide© ministry.
Our partners in India are faithfully increasing discipleship activities, and the number of people being impacted by Seekers Conferences, literature distribution and correspondence courses continues to grow. Consequently, the space we are renting to house our discipleship center is becoming very crowded as more room is required to store literature and correspondence materials. A potential solution to this problem is to add a second floor to the building, but the landlord is not in a financial position to do that for us, and The Tide currently does not have reserves to proceed with construction under an amended rental agreement. Pray for wisdom and discernment for our board of directors as they seek to resolve this issue.
Read the full article at http://thetide.org/updates/mid-year-report
Our partners in India are faithfully increasing discipleship activities, and the number of people being impacted by Seekers Conferences, literature distribution and correspondence courses continues to grow. Consequently, the space we are renting to house our discipleship center is becoming very crowded as more room is required to store literature and correspondence materials. A potential solution to this problem is to add a second floor to the building, but the landlord is not in a financial position to do that for us, and The Tide currently does not have reserves to proceed with construction under an amended rental agreement. Pray for wisdom and discernment for our board of directors as they seek to resolve this issue.
Read the full article at http://thetide.org/updates/mid-year-report