Encouraging Report From The Tide Partner Ministry in Nigeria
Three years ago, at the request of a Muslim convert,
The Tide began airing an evangelistic radio program in the Hausa language
through an FM radio station in Kaduna. There are
over twenty-five million Hausa speaking people in Nigeria. The
majority of the population of northern Nigeria is Muslim, and Hausa has been adopted as the
official language of Islam making it an ideal language for sharing the truth
about Christ among a people group that does not acknowledge Jesus as the Son of
God. God is using The Tide Hausa
language radio broadcast to draw many into His kingdom, and as the following
report indicates, our partner ministry in Nigeria is taking bold steps to reach out and minister to
Read the full article at:http://thetide.org/updates/encouraging-report-from-the-tide-partner-ministry-in-nigeria