Wishing you a blessed Easter celebration!

In his letter to the Christian community in Rome Paul wrote; “God chose me to be an apostle, and he appointed me to preach the good news that he promised long ago by what His prophets said in the Holy Scriptures.  This good news is about his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ!  As a human, he was from the family of David.  But the Holy Spirit proved that Jesus is the powerful Son of God, because he was raised from death.”  (Romans 1:1b-4 CEV)

As we celebrate the proof that Jesus is the all-powerful Son of God we are reminded and assured that Christ has the power to grant forgiveness, hope, and eternal life to all who believe and call on his name.  The Tide, along with many people, including you, can say with Paul that we have been chosen and appointed to share the good news.  Paul goes on in verse 5 to say that we are called to do this so that people in every nation have the opportunity to place their faith in Jesus.  The mission statement of The Tide ministry is a summary of how we are working to fulfill that calling;
Creatively sharing the good news of Jesus Christ
worldwide through media and partnerships.

With your help, every week The Tide radio programs are preaching the gospel message in 17 different languages, potentially reaching millions of lost souls.  We have no idea exactly how many people are placing their faith in Jesus because of the messages we are broadcasting, but here are some translated samples from among the hundreds of letters we do receive from listeners in Africa and south Asia;

I’m happy with life, but there is one thing that means everything to me and that is why I am writing this. I want all to experience the same assurance I have come to know through everlasting life in Jesus Christ. Thank you for this radio program in my own language. - Itoh, Nigeria

As a teenager I started smoking Marijuana and drinking. This eventually led to a cocaine addiction. As time went by I lost everything I cherished. When I could run no longer I heard this Ta Mu Nu radio program and I found myself running to the arms of God like a breath of fresh air. God entered my mess of a life and began to put the pieces back together. Okpoma, Nigeria

I am a regular listener to your radio program, ‘Ehpa Gatanju.’ I have accepted Jesus Christ. My parents are opposing me to listen to your program so please pray for them that they would accept Jesus Christ. Also pray for my two daughters, studying in High School. Ganguli, India

One day, when Ram Gopal was playing his radio and a group of people were listening to the ‘Aap Ke Liye’ radio program I also went there and listened. I liked that program very much and listen to it regularly. Now I believe in Jesus Christ and want to follow Him. Rajendra, India

This sampling of letters from people whose lives are being radically transformed through the power of Jesus as they hear the gospel in their own language demonstrates that the same power that resurrected Jesus from the grave is still effective today.   It’s refreshing to know that all we need to do is tell the story, and God then does the work in the lives of those who respond.  Thank you for making it possible for The Tide to be speaking salvation into the hearts of an increasing number of people through radio broadcasts.  Please continue to stand by us in ministry, and if possible give an extra Easter offering this month so we can continue broadcasting the great news that Jesus is alive!


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