Seeker's Conferences Bring Joy

Wonderful things are occurring in India as a result of Seeker’s Conferences frequently held by The Tide© partner ministry.  During the month of May, The Tide partners led a series of Seeker’s Conferences throughout various parts of a state in central India as well as two medical camps, a new addition to our Indian outreach.
There were excellent turn-outs for all the events.  In spite of the excessive heat, over 250 people total attended the four Seeker’s Conferences, many walking 15-20 kilometers (approximately 9-13 miles) to attend a meeting.  After hearing instructive and convicting speaking by some local pastors and partners of The Tide ministry in India, 75 individuals came to know the Lord as their personal Savior, sharing their testimonies with one another and rejoicing with brothers and sisters in the Lord!  The new believers were excited to agree to find a local fellowship of believers to worship with and continue to receive discipleship training and accountability in their own communities.  Praise the Lord for these 75 lives who have joined the Family!
Following the first of the four Seeker’s Conferences, a Baptism Service was held at a local pond.  Seven brothers and sisters who have been devoted radio listeners were baptized and shared Communion together.  Their expressions of joy and thankfulness were so evident to all who attended this beautiful service.
n addition to the spiritual ministry led by The Tide partners in India, a new element of outreach was added in the form of Medical Camps.  A local prayer partner and doctor volunteered his time and resources to help organize the two Medical Camps held in the same region as the Seeker’s Conferences.  Nearly 100 people came to receive a free medical checkup and basic medicines for common ailments such as a cold, sore throat, headaches, body aches, and stomach issues.  These individuals expressed such appreciation for the free services offered to them and the concern shown for their health.  Even though many of the symptoms treated were “common” illnesses, these individuals would have been unable to pay for the necessary drugs and treatment due to their financial situations.  The Tide partners in India have expressed the blessing it was to be able to serve people’s physical needs as well as their spiritual needs and plan to hold more medical camps in the future for the poor and underprivileged in their society.

Join with us in praising the Lord for the great work being done in India, among the “poor and least of these” as Jesus encouraged us in Matthew 25:40 when He said, “Truly I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Please continue to keep our partners in India in your prayers as they listen to and obey the leading of the Lord.  Pray also for the individuals being touched by the radio broadcasts, Seeker’s Conferences, and Medical Camps.


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