Canadian Promotional Dinners Exceeds Last Years Giving

This year’s May Canadian Dinners were hosted by Trinity Life Church in Sherkston, ON, and Oak Ridges Brethren in Christ Church in Richmond Hill, ON.  At the  Dinners, everyone was able to enjoy a delicious meal followed by an  update on the Ministry Center in Bhutan by Director Don Shenk.  We praise God this Ministry Center and how it is meeting the needs of our listeners in Bhutan.  

It was very over whelming to be blessed with such generous offerings and contribution pledges. We praise God for your generous hearts and  “Thank You” for helping meet the financial needs of The Tide ministry.  Another “Thank You” goes to those who provided the delicious meal and to The Tide Canadian Board of Directors for coordinating and promoting these dinners.  If you were unable to attend the Canadian Promotional Dinners and would like to make a donation online, click here or your donation can be mailed to:  Gospel Tide, R.R. #2, 763 Ridge Road North, Ridgeway, Ontario, LOS 1N0


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