
Showing posts from May, 2017

From the Mailbag: India

Each quarter we recieve many letters from our listeners on how The Tide has touched their lives. Know that your support  does  make a difference in people's lives all across the globe. We hope that you are encouraged by these letters. Full names and locations are not included to protect identity. I did not know anything about the Lord. There were many problems in my life. When I started listening to 'Ujjna Gahi Dahare' radio program in my own language in 'Kurukh' through the servant of God in my neighborhood, since then there has been a change in my life. After listing to the word of God and through prayer, I have been relieved from my personal problems. Now I also believe in the Living God. Kindly continue to uphold me and my family in your prayers. -  Tirkey I am a new listener and it is my first letter to you. Last month I got a chance to listen to this 'sShanti Data' radio program on Sunday evening. I belong to a non-Christian (Hindu) family. My f...

Have You Heard? Challenge helps Christians Obey Jesus' Command to Make Disciples

About 45 percent of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, but only 8 percent achieve success in keeping them through the end of the year.  In fact, reports Statistic Brain, just 64 percent keep their resolutions past one month, and only 46 percent stick to them for six months. But The Tide® global radio ministry has a suggestion for a resolution worth keeping in 2017. This year—and every year—The Tide ministry is focused on obeying Jesus’ command to make disciples, which is why it has issued a creative challenge for Christians. The “Have You Heard?” initiative urges Christians to be aware of all those who cross their paths every day and may be without the hope of Jesus Christ. “How many people do we pass by every day who do not know Jesus?” asked Don Shenk, director of The Tide ministry. “The answer is probably too numerous to count. That’s why The Tide ministry is reminding people to speak up about Jesus by urging them to accept our ‘Have Yo...

Zimbabwe Radio Program from The Tide® Ministry Reaching More Through Technology

T he Tide ®   global radio ministry has been providing radio programs to remote villages around the globe to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ for more than 70 years. But  The Tide  ministry’s work goes so much deeper by also building radio studios, providing leader-to-leader training and ensuring that villagers have Bibles. Currently,  The Tide  ministry works to reach people in seven countries on three continents in 24 heart languages, including in Zimbabwe, the home to the only program from  The Tide  ministry that airs five days a week. “Our team in Zimbabwe has produced 16 Sunday church service radio broadcasts so far this year, and the popular program there, titled ‘Amagugu Evangli,’ attracts a large audience, as many crave hearing the word of God in their own language,” said The Tide Director Don Shenk, who was born in what was once   Rhodesia, and served as a missionary teaching and leading the Ekuphileni Bible Institute ...

The Tide Global Radio Ministry Presents Gospel Music Concerts

Each year, one of the highlights of The Gospel Tide ministry is our annual series of spring promotional events in Canada. This spring, we are excited to invite our Canadian friends to a special evening of inspirational music featuring the Kubassek Trio from Kitchener, Ontario. This family trio of gifted vocalists will provide a meaningful worship experience as they use their vioces to uplift hearts in the audience while bringing glory to God in song. The Tide Director, Don Shenk, will be present for these concerts and will share a current update on the how God is using your support of the Gospel Tide ministry to impact lives around the world. The concerts are free and guests are under no obligatino, but will be given the opportunity to make a financial contribution to help The Gospel Tide ministry to continue sharing the Gospel with spiritually destitute people in other regions of the world. Please plan to attend if you are in the Ontario area! Dates May 11 at Port Colborn...