Zimbabwe Radio Program from The Tide® Ministry Reaching More Through Technology
The Tide® global radio ministry has been providing radio programs to remote villages around the globe to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ for more than 70 years. But The Tide ministry’s work goes so much deeper by also building radio studios, providing leader-to-leader training and ensuring that villagers have Bibles.
“Our team in Zimbabwe has produced 16 Sunday church service radio broadcasts so far this year, and the popular program there, titled ‘Amagugu Evangli,’ attracts a large audience, as many crave hearing the word of God in their own language,” said The Tide Director Don Shenk, who was born in what was once Rhodesia, and served as a missionary teaching and leading the Ekuphileni Bible Institute in Zimbabwe, where he lived for 28 years. “Our Zimbabwe team also produces five-minute morning devotionals, daily WhatsApp broadcasts, which is inexpensive technology to reach more people, and online programs—all of which are re-broadcast across the country.”
Shenk added that the Zimbabwe program is broadcast through FM stations in Zimbabwe and can be heard by more than half a million Ndebele people. Through online and app broadcasts, the program also reaches listeners in Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia. Therefore, Ndebele-speaking people who have moved into these countries can hear the program as well.
Even though Zimbabwe has been fairly extensively evangelized, there are still many who need to hear the Gospel message, and many more who are hungry to learn more about Jesus Christ. In fact, nearly a quarter of the world’s population lives within the current range of The Tide radio programming, and with nearly 7,000 languages spoken in the world today, the opportunities are tremendous.
Later this year, The Tide ministry will offer programming in its 25th heart language—Isaan, spoken by 19 million people in Thailand. That initiative will allow Thailand to join multiple regions of Zimbabwe, India, Nigeria, Nepal, Bhutan, Albania and Kosovo, where The Tide ministry is already active in broadcasting Gospel radio programming.