U.S. and Thailand Come Together to Strengthen Relationships in Indo-Pacific Region

Earlier this month, Thailand’s prime minister, Prayut Chan-o-cha, met with President Donald Trump at the White House to discuss ways to strengthen and broaden bilateral relations and enhance cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region, according to Reuters. The Tide® took particular interest in this meeting, as the ministry recently began sharing Gospel programming in the Isaan language, spoken by 19 million people in Thailand.

Isaan is the 25th heart language through which The Tide ministry shares the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ with millions of people around the world. The Tide ministry also has a presence in Albania, Bhutan, India, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria and Zimbabwe, broadcasting Gospel radio programming—in the languages people were born to speak.

“No matter what’s happening around the world, a sense of hope is restored when two countries are able to come together and discuss matters they hope to resolve or improve,” said The Tide Director Don Shenk. “Currently, The Tide ministry is proclaiming the Gospel in the Isaan language in Thailand by sharing recordings with local villagers on portable media players. But soon, by the grace of God, we hope to be broadcasting over the radio airwaves, as we are in seven other countries on three continents and in 25 total languages. We praise the Lord for the progress He’s allowed The Tide ministry to make in Thailand and know that many, many people will be changed when they hear about the Savior, Jesus Christ.”

The Tide ministry’s newest initiative, called “Every Knee, Every Tongue,” allows people to help place Gospel radio programs like the one heard by new listeners in Thailand in regions around the world. Through “Every Knee, Every Tongue,” all are welcome to sponsor Christian radio broadcasts produced by The Tide ministry and recorded by local indigenous pastors in both populated and remote communities across the globe.

Rooted in Romans 14:11, “It is written: ‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God’” (NIV), “Every Knee, Every Tongue” raises the question: How will every knee bow and every tongue proclaim praise to God if we don’t share what Jesus has done with others? Click here to read more about “Every Knee, Every Tongue.”

The post U.S. and Thailand Come Together to Strengthen Relationships in Indo-Pacific Region appeared first on The Tide.


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