Representatives from The Tide Meet Joyful Christians in India

Representatives from The Tide® recently returned from a visit to India, where the ministry has shared the Gospel over the airwaves for nearly 40 years.

“It’s wonderful to visit somewhere new but coming home makes you appreciate your blessings,” Director Don Shenk. “In India, team members from The Tide ministry were able to interact with those who help produce and broadcast the ‘Good News Hour’ radio ministry. We were joined by some of our ministry partners from Zimbabwe and Thailand for a wonderful time of sharing and learning together.”

Both of these partners took away something different from the trip, Shenk said. The team members from Thailand found their time in India to be very beneficial, as they learned ministry strategies they can adapt and apply as they grow their outreach to the Isaan people of Thailand. Leaders at The Tide ministry are praying that this budding partnership in Thailand will take root and thrive, bringing many more people to faith and hope in Christ.

“There are some differences between India and Thailand, but there are also significant similarities, and unfortunately both countries are characterized by incredible numbers of unbelievers, as well as anti-Christian persecution at the family, social and government levels,” Shenk said. “Our Thai partners report that they were inspired by the testimonies they heard from believers in India who persevere despite opposition, and hope to produce similar fruit in the lives of Isaan villagers in Thailand.”

Likewise, the oppression faced by believers in India did not go unnoticed by the representative from Zimbabwe, who now has a greater appreciation for the freedom the people of Zimbabwe have to worship God without government interference. The Zimbabwe leader returned home further motivated to help his people find complete freedom in Christ from cultural and traditional religious practices like witchcraft and ancestral spirit worship.

Shenk added that representatives from The Tide ministry were invited to gatherings that were structured as entertainment or cultural experiences. During these events, India believers were able to demonstrate how they share the Gospel. For example, one evening consisted of a drama presentation that incorporated Indian music and dance into a culturally relevant presentation of the story of the Good Samaritan. Another day consisted of a trip to a remote village where a church had been planted. Visitors were able to worship together and share a community meal.

“It was a thrill to meet some of these believers while in India and to observe their great joy and enthusiasm as they worshipped God in song and dance,” Shenk said.

In India, The Tide shares the Gospel through radio programming in eight languages. Said one Indian listener to The Tide programs, “I am a regular listener to your ‘Shanti Data’ program. I have been blessed personally through the radio messages, and the love of God has changed my life completely. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.”

Read more about our work in India here.

The post Representatives from The Tide Meet Joyful Christians in India appeared first on The Tide.


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