Zimbabweans Celebrate in the Streets After Resignation of President

After a tense time of political unrest, the people of Zimbabwe are celebrating now that former president Robert Mugabe has resigned. This news marks a fresh start for Zimbabwe, one of the eight nations where The Tide® shares the Gospel.

Don Shenk, director of The Tide ministry, was born in Zimbabwe, then Rhodesia, and his brother and missionary parents still live there.

“The people of Zimbabwe have been on a roller coaster ride of unrest,” Shenk said. “But now they have reason to celebrate. Soon after President Mugabe’s resignation was announced, my family members sent videos of Zimbabweans singing and dancing in the streets. We praise God for the fresh start for these wonderful people.

“While many Zimbabweans identify as Christian and enjoy religious freedom, a large number still participate in traditional African religious practices like ancestral spirit worship and witchcraft,” Shenk added. “Even though this African nation has been fairly extensively evangelized, many more still need to hear the Gospel.”

The Tide began working with a church group in Zimbabwe in 1983 to produce and air the Ndebele language radio program called “Amagugu Evangeli.” Since then, the ministry has also assisted in the production of Christian radio programs in the English and Shona languages. And last year, The Tide ministry began building a new, larger and upgraded recording studio so this local radio ministry can continue to grow and impact more lives for Christ.

Listeners to the “Amagugu Evangeli” program regularly write to The Tide’s partner in Zimbabwe. “Thank you for the Word of such a dimension,” commented Derrick. “May the Lord bless you day by day. Thank you, man of God.”

Another listener wrote about the trials experienced just before the recent rebirth in the country: “Thank you very much, Pastor. Our country Zimbabwe needs healing. God has been faithful. He has kept us alive from the devastating effects brought about by the economic quagmire the country was facing. The spiritual battle is not yet over, and it is incumbent on the body of Christ to pray for the healing of the country. God has given ammunition to fight these spiritual wars.”

Read more about the story here.

See more of our efforts in Zimbabwe.

The post Zimbabweans Celebrate in the Streets After Resignation of President appeared first on The Tide.


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