New Leadership Joins The Tide

Few organizations or ministries will be successful and God-honoring without the full support of their leadership. This isn’t a problem for us, having been blessed with the opportunities and abilities to share the gospel with listeners around the world for nearly 75 years.


“The Tide ministry is blessed to have leadership, staff and board members who are fully engaged with and committed to our mission to creatively share the Good News of Jesus Christ and leading as many people as possible into a life transforming relationship with the Savior,” said The Tide Director Don Shenk.


For example, earlier this summer, The Tide ministry welcomed Director of Development Mark Story, who will help the ministry take steps to sustain growth and longevity. Story been working in the nonprofit sector for over 25 years, leading fundraising efforts for a Christian conference center, Habitat for Humanity and the Franklin (Pa.) County Public Libraries.


“My heart resonates with the purpose and mission of The Tide ministry, having served along with my wife as a missionary in Tanzania through Africa Inland Mission,” Story said. “I look forward to my new role with The Tide ministry as we work toward introducing more listeners in all corners of the globe to gospel programming in the languages they were born to speak.”


Likewise, board member Jonathan Lloyd said he was introduced to missions with the former Kingdom Building Ministries’ summer discipleship program in 1999, when he spent a month in Thailand teaching English.


“During this time, I sensed God’s calling to future mission service,” Lloyd said. “I returned to my job at the end of the summer and then interned with KBM to help lead a team to China for a month in the summer of 2000. During these trips, God confirmed in me a heart for reaching the nations with his love and a commitment to be obedient to participate in this great task.”


Lloyd, his wife and daughter then moved to Malawi, Africa, to serve as missionaries with Brethren in Christ World Missions.


“Our family lived in a village and worked to learn language and culture and share Christ primarily in relational ways,” he said. “This experience gave me an understanding of the opportunity to reach people through Christian radio, as I visited remote villages where radio has been able to reach. I was impressed by the opportunity to use technology to spread the gospel and wanted to participate, and I am now honored to be a part of The Tide Board of Directors. I believe that radio can be a highly effective medium for reaching hearts with the gospel. Jesus told his disciples to ‘go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them … and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.’ The Tide ministry empowers believers in a number of nations to effectively and quickly spread Bible teaching in an effort to reach their nations with the gospel of Jesus, and is committed to both broadcasting gospel teaching as well as following up—a key component of making disciples.”


Fellow board member Pam Zaiser said her vision for The Tide ministry is to fortify and expand by reaching every ear that has not heard the Good News of Jesus’ redemption and salvation.


“His desire is that none should perish,” she said. “His commission is to fulfill His plan through focusing our time, prayers, effort, giving and submission to the authority of Christ over all these areas of service. We are obligated through faith to provide radios and other media, to develop relationships and partnerships with other organizations, to build up leaders to teach those who are curious for Jesus and to never give up hope for all to hear about the saving grace of our Lord!


“So while the purpose is large, it is also exciting! Partnering with God is always fun,” Zaiser added. “We get to witness His plan being brought to fruition through prayer and hard work. We get to know and see His mighty hand fulfilling His plan. We get to be the laborers in the field. Perhaps The Tide will fulfill this mission using even more advanced technology. In what is becoming a wireless world, I pray that all unreached nations could hear programming, podcasts, testimonies and teachings that would lead them to salvation.”


Finally, board member John Miller noted that radio waves can go where humans sometimes can’t to reach people who may have no other opportunity to hear the gospel message.


“Sharing the hope of salvation through Christ with people who are sometimes overlooked and often unreached by the gospel remains my primary passion for the vision of The Tide ministry,” Miller said. “Having increased to broadcasting the gospel message in 25 languages in recent years, I am encouraged with our current focus on strengthening our ministry efforts in the eight regions in the world where we now have a presence and an influence. Can you imagine the reunion in heaven with those we will never meet on Earth, but with the common thread that they heard the gospel in their own heart language through the efforts and faithfulness of The Tide ministry?”


The Tide ministry currently offers audio programming in 25 heart languages spoken by millions of people in multiple regions of Albania, Bhutan, India, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Thailand and Zimbabwe, making it possible for multiple people groups to hear the gospel in the languages they were born to speak.

The post New Leadership Joins The Tide appeared first on The Tide.


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