Nigerians Facing Daily Violence Need Hope of Christ

Violence is nearly an everyday occurrence in Nigeria, with many living in fear of attacks on their farms, homes or churches. Reports vary as to who is responsible for the attacks, as well as who is being targeted specifically, whether farmers or Christians. Regardless of the reasoning behind the violence, The Tide® reaches the people of Nigeria with the Good News and saving hope of Jesus Christ.

In 2009, The Tide ministry began broadcasting radio programming in Nigeria in the Efik language, and since then, has added programming in 10 more languages. These programs have the potential to be heard by millions of people who do not yet know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. An important aspect of The Tide ministry in Nigeria is the “Radios for Nigeria” project. As people give toward this project, The Tide ministry places radios in villages throughout Nigeria, where a third of the population lives below the poverty line. Through these radios many people are now hearing the Gospel message in their own language and responding positively to God’s offer of salvation.

“It is truly a joy to see groups of Nigerian villagers or families gathered around radios, listening to gospel messages in their own heart language,” said Director Don Shenk. “With the struggles these people face daily, they desperately need the hope of Jesus and to actively be a part of His plan for their lives. We pray that The Tide ministry’s presence in Nigeria will continue strong and many more doors will be opened.”

The Tide global radio ministry has been broadcasting programming in Nigeria for nearly 10 years. Through 11 different languages, the people of Nigeria can learn more about Christ and give their lives over to Him.


The post Nigerians Facing Daily Violence Need Hope of Christ appeared first on The Tide.


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