New Believers in India Tell Uplifting Stories After Listening to The Tide® Ministry’s Gospel Programs

Radio listeners in India have a few things in common with American Christians, but some of the challenges are very different. For four decades, we have been recording and broadcasting Gospel programming in India, potentially reaching millions with the Good News. With more than 1.3 billion people and 2,295 people groups in India—2,000 of them unreached—so many still need to hear the salvation message of Jesus Christ.

“Multiple religions are practiced throughout India, but Hinduism is the largest, and only about 2 percent of the population professes to be Christian,” said Director Don Shenk. “So there are still so many more who need to hear about the unconditional love and saving grace of Jesus. We may think we don’t have much in common with a believer halfway around the world, but some of our struggles and concerns are the same. But it’s true that those in India have vastly different experiences as well.”

For example, The Tide partners in India report that some of the church attendees and radio listeners ask for prayer for universal needs. One listener, Rashmita, was suffering chest pain, and none of her medications were providing relief. She was helpless and requested prayer. “She had a strong belief that if we pray for her God will surely hear,” the partner reported. Today, Rashmita is well and is praising the Lord.

Nandini is a Hindu listener but believes in Jesus. Nandini was having trouble conceiving a much-wanted baby with her husband. After prayer from the community, the couple was blessed with a son after several years.

Ushabati is a new listener and was experiencing family problems. “We prayed for her family in our church,” the partner reported. “Now there is peace and joy in her house.”

Sometimes, however, the prayer requests and praises are much different than what churchgoers might hear in the U.S.

One listener testified that he was collecting firewood in the forest when he was suddenly face to face with an elephant. “I become afraid and started running,” he said. “The elephant also followed me. Out of fear I cried and prayed to Jesus Christ. Thank God, after a short while when I opened my eyes the elephant was not there. Thank God that day He heard my prayer and saved me.”

Another believer, Pratima, was possessed by an evil spirit and had become senseless. Her husband is a strong believer and the church community prayed over his wife. The evil spirit has now left her body, the partner on the ground reported.

Additionally, Raju is a believer from a village and was pressured to give into witchcraft. The community began praying for Raju and there is now peace in the house.

In India, The Tide ministry’s radio outreach is complemented by effective discipleship activities including literature distribution, Bible correspondence courses, seekers conferences and discipleship seminars, and a radio distribution project called “Radios for India.”

The post New Believers in India Tell Uplifting Stories After Listening to The Tide® Ministry’s Gospel Programs appeared first on The Tide.


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