Worship – The Key to Victory

I woke up with a pounding headache, took a couple Tylenol pills and went to the speaking engagement. Just a few minutes after getting up to speak that Sunday morning in PA, I had a grand mal seizure in front of the audience. I was transferred to Baltimore, MD for brain surgery. A large egg sized tumor was removed from my brain. I told my wife Rhonda, “Honey, I think it’s going to be cancer! How else would God get praise if it wasn’t cancer?” One night in the recovery room while waiting for the diagnosis, I listened to some worship music that a friend had given to me. As I listened I sensed God’s presence so powerfully. Somehow, I turned to 2 Chron. 20 and read the story.

It was God’s powerful word that gave me hope! – “Dwayne: worship the Lord!”

2 Chronicles 20 …fits my story.

  1. 1-2 Three nations were coming to destroy the people of God.

I was facing a battle that had the potential to destroy me, to take my life.

  1. 3-4 They decided in their desperation to seek the Lord in prayer.

I was desperate and cried out to the Lord because He was my only hope.

  1. 6 They declared that God rules over kingdoms and nations with power and might.

I knew God was more than able to help me face this battle.

  1. 9 They determined that if calamity, sword, judgment, plague, or famine came they would put their trust in God.

Regardless of what my diagnosis would be I put my hope and trust in the Lord for the outcome.

  1. 12 They admitted that they didn’t have power and didn’t know what to do.

There was absolutely nothing that I could do for myself.

  1. 15 “Do not be afraid or discouraged; the battle belongs to the LORD”.

I knew that my battle was totally in the hands of the Lord.

  1. 18 The king and people fell down in worship before the LORD.

As an act or worship I surrendered my life to God and His will for my life.

V.19  The people stood up and praised the LORD, with very loud voices.

  1. 21 Men were appointed to lead the solders in worship while going into battle.

I was overwhelmed  and worshipped God for who He was, for who He is, and what He could do.

  1. 22 As they sang and praised the Lord, their enemies were destroyed.

I choose to worship the Lord, knowing He was, is and will be my Savior and Lord.  My destination was in the hands of the Lord.

  1. 24-26 They praised the LORD for He had given them a great victory.

Instead of 50 weeks to live, I have survived and lived 26 years since my diagnosis!

Yes, a great victory for which the doctors have no explanation.

What is true for me, is also true for you.    He is worthy of our praise and worship.

Worshipping God was, is and always will be the key to victory in every situation.

Submitted by Rev. Dwayne Potteiger

The post Worship – The Key to Victory appeared first on The Tide.


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