This Little Light of Mine

Some of my earliest memories of going to church and Vacation Bible School include singing that little children’s song.  “This little light of mine”. We learned to do motions as we sang, holding up one finger that symbolized a little candle and moving it around as we sang. When our girls were young and we’d have devotional times together as a family, it was one of the special and fun songs we sang together. I have some wonderful memories of singing that song together as a family. You may remember singing that song too? There were several verses that included; 

  •  This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine!
  • Hide it under a bushel, No, I’m going to let it shine!
  • All around my neighborhood, I’m going to let it shine!
  • Won’t let Satan blow it out, No, I’m going to let it shine!
  • Let it shine till Jesus comes, I’m going to let it shine!


It’s a cute little song with a very big lesson that we need to apply to our lives. There are several verses in the bible that say we are to be “light.” 

“You are the light of the world… Let your light shine before men,…”  Matt. 5:14-16.  

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.  Live as children of light. For the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth.   Eph. 5:8   

“For this is what the Lord has commanded us, “I have made you a light for the Gentiles that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.” Acts 13:47 

Someone said that the most important light in a house is the little night light that gives light to help you find your way to the bathroom in the middle of the night.  It keeps you from banging into a wall or stubbing your toe on piece of furniture. It’s not the chandelier; it’s not your light stand. It’s the little light that lights your way in the darkness.  

Our world, our country, our states, our neighborhoods, our places of employment and schools are becoming darker spiritually.  People are in darkness all around us. It’s now that our little lights can and need to shine the brightest. You may feel like you cannot make much of a difference, but have you realized that a little light shines most brightly when it is the darkest? 

Jesus is the Light of the world and now we are to let His light shine through us.

Share words of kindness, support and encouragement.  Bless and affirm people as much as you are able. Do acts of kindness; look for ways to help others.  Hold a door open for someone following you. Push a cart back to the store for someone who just unloaded the items purchased into their car.  Express your words of thanks and gratitude for any act of kindness that someone has shown to you. Tell others what Jesus has done and is doing in your life. So, that phrase applies here; “What would Jesus do?”  Just think and do what Jesus might do to others. You might feel like that doesn’t makes much difference, but remember that just as a little night light in your home plays a big part for you to find your way around at night, when you let your light shine it helps people find their way to Jesus.  Jesus didn’t say how big your light must be, He just said that you are to let your light shine. It’s been amazing to me how a small light as little as a finger can shine so brightly in the darkness. 

You may be surprised at how many times and ways that you are able to shine “your Light” for Jesus.  Yup, you are to be a light, regardless of how much light you are able to shine and remember that the greater the darkness, the brighter you will shine.  Look for ways, opportunities to show and shine for Jesus. Just let your little light shine for Jesus so that others may find their way to heaven from the darkness of this world. 

Submitted by Rev. Dwayne Potteiger

The post This Little Light of Mine appeared first on The Tide.


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