World Beard Day Is Saturday, But 22 Men Have Been Committed to The Tide® Ministry’s Unique ‘Year Beard’ Challenge Since January

Few may know that this Saturday—Sept. 7—is World Beard Day. But 22 brave men who are raising awareness and funds for The Tide®( global radio ministry are already fully on board.

In fact, they’re more than nine months ahead!

The group of guys have been growing their beards—no shaving allowed—since the beginning of 2019 for The Tide ministry’s unique “Year Beard” fundraiser. Thus far, more than $15,000 has been raised. Those funds will help purchase more airtime for The Tide ministry’s Gospel radio broadcasts in Asia, Africa and Europe.

“A motivating factor is the knowledge that for every dollar given through The Tide’s Year Beard challenge, 20 more people worldwide can hear about Jesus,” said The Tide Development Director Mark Story, who came up with the idea of Year Beard and is growing his beard as well. “As we move into the third quarter of Year Beard, people who may have known nothing about our global radio ministry can learn more as they ask, ‘What’s up with that beard?’ Interestingly, this applies to believers and nonbelievers alike. Christians are excited to learn about global evangelism, and non-Christians appreciate that we’re doing something unique and different, as they, too, hear about the life-saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Several of the now-hairier participants were happy to allow their beards to serve as a conversation piece for The Tide ministry and its radio work around the globe.

“Year Beard gives me a reason to grow for a full 12 months—something I’ve always wanted to try,” said participant David. “I’m a big fan of missions work, and I like supporting these kinds of causes.”

Added Brad, “I have done a lot of things to serve, and growing facial hair seemed like a new, easy and unique way to help promote the Gospel.”

For those who might be hesitant to commit to a year without shaving, The Tide ministry is also encouraging shorter periods, including a one-month commitment to Year Beardin “No-Shave November.” And with World Beard Day this week, it’s a great time to plan ahead, Story added.

The Tide ministry currently offers audio programming in 25 heart languages spoken by millions of people in multiple regions of Albania, Bhutan, India, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Thailand and Zimbabwe, making it possible for multiple people groups to hear the Gospel in the languages they were born to speak.

For more information about The Tide broadcast projects, history, radio programs around the world, the “Every Knee, Every Tongue” campaign, the “Have You Heard?” initiative, the weekly Global Update radio features, the Year Beard challenge or other news, visit its web site at or its Facebook page. Read more about The Tide ministry and Don Shenk here.

The post World Beard Day Is Saturday, But 22 Men Have Been Committed to The Tide® Ministry’s Unique ‘Year Beard’ Challenge Since January appeared first on The Tide.


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