Easter Greetings
As we bring you this Easter greeting on behalf of The Tide ministry we encourage you to spend time meditating on the following few verses:
While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head. Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, “Why this waste of perfume? It could have been sold for more than a year’s wages and the money given to the poor.” And they rebuked her harshly. “Leave her alone,” said Jesus. “Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me. She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.” (Mark 14:3-9 NIV – Emphasis added)
This short passage is so rich with meaningful principles relevant to the mission of The Tide ministry; acknowledging the ongoing presence of people in great need, the value of Jesus over any earthly treasure, doing what we can for Christ, and the gospel being preached throughout the world.
With Covid-19 now present in almost every country of the world, we are experiencing widespread global focus on this single issue. I can’t recall anything else in my lifetime that has created such widespread uncertainty and apprehension in society, and I am extremely grateful for the hope we have in the person and work of Jesus that is the focus of our Christian Easter celebrations. God’s Word is filled with encouraging promises of His incredible love, affirmations of hope, admonitions to stand firm in our faith, and reminders that because our Almighty heavenly Father is watching over us, we do not need to live in fear. People around the globe need to know about these promises and be given the opportunity to accept Jesus as their personal Savior and foundation of hope. Our ministry partners are committed to persevere in the face of challenges and “do what they can” to share the hope of the risen Christ with those living in despair. The following, in their own words, are some statements giving insight into the global radio ministry you support:
Albania has been locked down and we are told by our government not to go to work. People need special permission from the police to get out even walking. I want to say that for me as a Pastor I have never feel so bad, so weak on my responsibility to be near to people, church members, old people and most of all people and families in need that are poor in Albania and in the area we serve. Staying home for me is not easy for the only reason because my heart is outside to the families that call for help. Our government has close everything, schools, sport, activities, and also people must stay home. Churches have to be closed and we have to do online church. BUT, how can I do online church if most of people that need Christ have no internet, have not a digital phone or a computer. If the most of people I serve have no food, not a good house to be indoor and not a TV to see something. This is why I think it is one of the most difficult times for a pastor. BUT I can Pray, I can Ask God to be near to people. And what is Amazing I can be near to people through the Radio, preaching and encouraging the people. We know that God is our rock, and our fortress and protection. We can do nothing without Him and we pray for His will to be done. God have an amazing plan on all this and He know what it is and will reveal it to us in the right time. It looks strange but we are living in this situation where on one side we have God and all His strength and from the other side there is this big noise of fear. We are not afraid, but we are careful. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME. We need Prayers on this. Pray that God can open a door for us to be out and serve to people and that we can be protected from this virus. – Pastor Klodi, Albania.
Almost a week ago (3/9) our government closed the schools and forbid public gatherings and meetings. This immediately effected our ministry and also church services. We shifted to Online Church. I stay in contact with all church members, by calling them or writing them once a day and then every day I am doing online prayer meeting and devotion. Regarding radio ministry, I am using this time as much as possible to preach sermons that are encouraging and uplifting for the body of Christ but also evangelistic for the world. Please pray for us and our ministry and pray for wisdom and further steps we might need to take for the body of Christ. I will pray for you and your hometown, I pray God’s protection over you, your family and ministry. May you continue to serve Jesus Christ this time more than ever so the church might be waken up, yes shaken and turn to God and call for His intervention. You are playing a big role in strengthening the body of Christ and may you continue to do so. We are His people, bought by the blood of Jesus, filled with his Holy Spirit and His peace. We will not be overcome by fear but we will stand as salt and light and rise in prayer and fast, exactly what we are supposed to be and do. – Pastor Jeton, Kosovo
Wow, things have been changing rapidly around the world in terms of COVID-19. While governments and people are surprised and shocked by these events, it is a comfort to know that none of this is a surprise to God. One of our regular prayers here is that believers worldwide will be bright lights shining in the darkness and champions of hope in the midst of hopelessness. Here in Thailand there has been an increase in the number of cases of COVID-19, most of those coming during this past week. All conferences across the country are being canceled and delayed due to the virus. Our Isaan Christian Media network is still moving forward with printing the brochures and developing the Facebook fan page as we can still begin to use these things now to make people aware of the resources. – Kris in Thailand
The government made an announcement that gatherings have been reduced to 50 people or less. So, for bigger churches that was a big challenge. What that means is that most churches will also live stream their Sunday Services, so that other congregants could watch/listen in their home comfort. That will only reach people with access to the internet. As Amagugu Evangeli we have made a call to pastors to come on Sunday to the studio so that they can use Facebook or Youtube Live Streaming. So, this is an opportunity to reach more people using digital platforms. We have had normal office work, but a shutdown might be the next thing to happen for Zimbabwe. – Jonah, Zimbabwe
As you can see, our ministry partners are adjusting to conditions and “doing what they can” to continue building God’s Kingdom in the hearts of their own people. For many who already live in tough situations and harsh environments, Covid-19 is one more potential hazard in a life of ongoing hardships, and they are desperately in need of the hope The Tide gospel programming offers by introducing them to Jesus as their Savior in the language they were born to speak. Our partners in 9 countries, producing radio programs and providing discipleship material in 27 different languages rely very heavily on the financial support provided by generous donors like you. Please consider giving a precious Easter gift to keep this vital ministry going.
During this time of closures, quarantines, and restricted travel, the radio once again proves to be an effective means to reach people right where they are with the uplifting, life-giving, gospel of Jesus. We praise God that as a religious organization The Tide office is currently exempt from the mandated closures, enabling us to continue the administrative tasks associated with sharing the message of hope in Christ with those who are suffering around the globe. We are extremely grateful for all who engage with us by offering words of encouragement, praying, volunteering, and giving financial support. We consider it a privilege to have you walking alongside The Tide ministry, and I hope it encourages you to know that without you we could not fulfill the mission God has placed on our hearts, and because of you many people around the globe are experiencing hope in Christ that will sustain them far beyond the scope of the current crisis. We and our international partners are resolute in our determination to “do what we can” to keep the gospel message going out. Thank you for your ongoing support to sustain The Tide ministry. Please keep it coming. Just as the woman with the alabaster jar of expensive perfume “did what she could” to prepare Jesus for burial, we invite you to continue “doing what you can” to help people experience the incredible benefit of Christ’s victory over the grave!
In Christ’s Love,
