Two New Languages in Pakistan

This season has marked an exciting development for The Tide®, which is now broadcasting the Good News of Jesus Christ in 27 languages.

The two newest languages reach the people of Pakistan, where The Tide ministry is recording and sharing radio programming in the Pashtu and Saraiki languages.

“For nearly 75 years, The Tide ministry has been honored to share the Gospel of Jesus around the world,” said Don Shenk. “Our mission has been to creatively share the Good News through multiple media avenues. So we’re thrilled and honored to be working with the Pakistani Christian Recording Ministry for a partnership that will reach many new people for Jesus Christ in Pakistan.

“The Pashtun people in northern Pakistan areas have lower literacy but are strict about traditions,” Shenk added. “Likewise, the people we’re reaching through the Saraiki language, who live in the southern regions of Punjab province, are also heavily influenced by Islam. That’s why it’s so important, just as in every region where The Tide ministry broadcasts the hope of Christ, that we work with local partners who know the language, culture and customs.”

For nearly 75 years, The Tide ministry has recorded and broadcasted Gospel programming in nine countries on three continents in 27 heart languages spoken by millions of people in multiple regions of Albania, Bhutan, India, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Thailand and Zimbabwe. With more than 7,000 languages spoken worldwide and more than 2,000 people groups that have been unreached by the Good News of Jesus, the opportunities are tremendous.


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