
Showing posts from April, 2017

Christianity in Nepal is Thriving Inspire of Increased Persecution

To give context of our update, the following is a summary of a story originally published on  Christianity Today : In April 2015, a 7.8 magnitude  earthquake  struck Nepal, after which eight Christians from Nepal were invited by a pastor to do trauma counseling for children at their school. Shortly after, these Christians were wrongly convicted of trying to convert the children. (There is freedom of religion in Nepal, however one is not allowed to try to convert anyone.) The Christians were detained, but were released on bail shortly after; and in December 2016, a Nepali court dropped the case against the Christians. This incident was the first freedom of religion dispute since Nepal’s new constitution that deemed the country secular. However, according to Lok Mani Dhaka, a member of the Nepali Parliament, “When the time came to pass the drafts constitution in parliament, major parties built a consensus that secularism means the state should protect the traditional maj...

Amagugu Evangeli First Quarter Update

Praise the Lord, Amagugu Evangeli Radio Ministries is thriving!  In addition to producing Sunday service programs, which have the biggest audience to date, the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) has invited Amagugu Evangeli to produce thirty 5-minute morning devotions. These are now airing for free because of being produced based on the mutual benefit of getting Christian content. Also, all of their Sunday services are re-broadcast on-line following their on-air broadcast. These are then available for free to audiences through  Soundcloud . Alongside of these programs, Amagugu Evangeli is producing 5-minute daily broadcasts and distributing them through the app Whatsapp. This is a cheaper means of using technology, reaching an audience average of 600 every day, and allowing people the chance to interact with broadcasts and ask questions. Amagug Evangeli is currently working in conjunction with their Brethren in Christ Church Oversee...

The Tide Ministry Looks Back on 2016 and Ahead to 2017

The past year has been a busy and exciting time for The Tide ®️  ministry, as we celebrated our 70th anniversary while continuing to pursue our mission to creatively share the Good News of Jesus Christ worldwide through media and partnerships. Through God's faithfulness and your support, we were able to make great progress in 2016 on a number of initiatives to help us tell more people around the world about Jesus. In 2015, we began an Albanian radio outreach in two major cities in Albania, and also in one city in neighboring Kosovo, where Albanian is the official language. The many positive responses from Albanian listeners prompted us to make it a goal for 2016 to add another day of programming in each of these countries. Praise God that we not only added another day of programming, but are now also airing the programs in a third city in Albania and a second city in Kosovo! Albanian listeners can now hear the Gospel more frequently, and we are reaching new believers th...

The Tide 39th Annual Spring Golf Benefit

The Tide® Annual Golf Benefit provides a great way to make a global impact for Christ while also participating in a pleasurable hobby. This year our golf outing will take place on  June 15 .  This will be the 39th consecutive year for The Tide international radio ministry to host this event at the Penn National Golf Club in Fayetteville, Pennsylvania. Over the years, The Tide Annual Golf Benefit has earned the reputation as a great event that is popular among golfers of all ages and skill levels. A few hours of golf for you can help provide eternal hope for others! This benefit will be a scramble and will kickoff with a shotgun start at  8:00 AM  on the Founder’s course. The cost per golfer is $85 if registered before May 22 or $90 if registered after. The cost covers the green fess for 18 holes of gold and a golf cart. Complimentary refreshments will be available at various locations around the course and a free picnic lunch will also be provided.  Pl...

Easter Greetings

He is Risen! This simple phrase – so full of hope and promise - is something we most often hear as an Easter greeting, but it is a very meaningful expression of faith and a testimony that we should constantly be declaring to one another and to the world. According to Paul, in his letter to the Romans, the resurrection is a powerful proclamation that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the Son of God! (Rom. 1:4) This is the foundation on which Paul builds his gospel message of hope and new life for all who confess Christ as Lord and believe that He is risen. I praise God that not only have you personally responded to the call to belong to Jesus Christ, but in grace, and with generosity you have been helping The Tide ministry fulfill the mandate to ’call all people from among the gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith.’ (Rom. 1:6)  Thank you for helping us give people the opportunity to know Jesus as their risen Savior who they will one day see! Over the past 70 year...