Christianity in Nepal is Thriving Inspire of Increased Persecution
To give context of our update, the following is a summary of a story originally published on Christianity Today : In April 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, after which eight Christians from Nepal were invited by a pastor to do trauma counseling for children at their school. Shortly after, these Christians were wrongly convicted of trying to convert the children. (There is freedom of religion in Nepal, however one is not allowed to try to convert anyone.) The Christians were detained, but were released on bail shortly after; and in December 2016, a Nepali court dropped the case against the Christians. This incident was the first freedom of religion dispute since Nepal’s new constitution that deemed the country secular. However, according to Lok Mani Dhaka, a member of the Nepali Parliament, “When the time came to pass the drafts constitution in parliament, major parties built a consensus that secularism means the state should protect the traditional maj...