Amagugu Evangeli First Quarter Update

Praise the Lord, Amagugu Evangeli Radio Ministries is thriving! 
In addition to producing Sunday service programs, which have the biggest audience to date, the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) has invited Amagugu Evangeli to produce thirty 5-minute morning devotions. These are now airing for free because of being produced based on the mutual benefit of getting Christian content. Also, all of their Sunday services are re-broadcast on-line following their on-air broadcast. These are then available for free to audiences through Soundcloud.
Alongside of these programs, Amagugu Evangeli is producing 5-minute daily broadcasts and distributing them through the app Whatsapp. This is a cheaper means of using technology, reaching an audience average of 600 every day, and allowing people the chance to interact with broadcasts and ask questions. Amagug Evangeli is currently working in conjunction with their Brethren in Christ Church Overseers who re-broadcast these to their respective constituencies. The aim is to be sending these programs to all of their Zimbabwean churches by the end of the year.
Amagugu Evangeli has also written these one-year, five-year, and ten-year goals that you can be in prayer for:
One year
  • Studio should be complete and fitted
  • All productions should be done at the completed studio
  • At least employ two additional people
  • Carry out training for pastors and presenters for this new studio
  • To engage Theological College Administrative Committee on the establishment of on-line Theological Education by Extension programs
Five year
  • Acquire a radio broadcasting license to have own FM radio broadcasts locally by 2020
  • Bring other people in to air programs on Amagugu Evangeli
  • Have programs available 24/7 through TuneIn and their website by 2019
  • Be able to produce and publish Amagugu Evangeli Magazine both online and print by 2018
  • Be able to record and produce any audio production by 2018
  • Employ more people as needed
  • Partner through an Memorandum of Understanding with institutes that offer Journalism and Media Studies
  • Have a vehicle specifically for Amagugu Evangeli by 2021
Ten year
  • Own their own television station on DSTV or Free to air via the proceeds from five year goals


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