Easter Greetings

He is Risen! This simple phrase – so full of hope and promise - is something we most often hear as an Easter greeting, but it is a very meaningful expression of faith and a testimony that we should constantly be declaring to one another and to the world. According to Paul, in his letter to the Romans, the resurrection is a powerful proclamation that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the Son of God! (Rom. 1:4) This is the foundation on which Paul builds his gospel message of hope and new life for all who confess Christ as Lord and believe that He is risen. I praise God that not only have you personally responded to the call to belong to Jesus Christ, but in grace, and with generosity you have been helping The Tide ministry fulfill the mandate to ’call all people from among the gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith.’ (Rom. 1:6) Thank you for helping us give people the opportunity to know Jesus as their risen Savior who they will one day see!
Over the past 70 years The Tide radio ministry has grown and expanded into new regions. Throughout our history friends like you have been instrumental in helping us introduce an untold number of people to Jesus as their living Lord and Savior, but the fact remains that currently there are still 1,371 unengaged, unreached people groups who have not yet been impacted by the gospel of Jesus Christ (Source:finishingthetask.com). That equates to millions of individuals who are lost in spiritual darkness and do not have the hope and joy we experience in Christ. Gospel radio programs are still an effective means of reaching many of these people, but there are limits to how far each radio signal can reach. Fortunately the global growth of digital technology and the booming number of smart phone users in developing countries has opened alternative avenues for evangelism, and I am excited to tell you that we are advancing the gospel through this additional pathway. Currently, half of our 24 heart language radio programs are available online, accessible either using a computer or a smart phone app., and we are working with our ministry partners to bring even more online. Our new program to reach the Isaan people of Thailand, which is almost ready to launch, may even be available online before it begins airing on radio! It’s a novelty for me, with just a couple of taps to the screen of my smartphone, to be able to listen to The Tide gospel programs from Albania, Bhutan, India, Kosovo, Nepal, or Zimbabwe, but for people who speak any of the 12 languages we minister through in those regions it is a practical lifeline. This short note from a Kosovar woman living in Switzerland is one example:
“My name is Ilirjana, and I live in Switzerland. I am a mother of three and work later in the afternoon. I don’t go to church nor hardly meet any Christians. My husband is not a believer and there are times when the idea to go to church is not very pleasant for him. I am so thankful for the online programs that you are broadcasting. I listen to Pastor Jeton regularly and my heart is filled with joy. These messages have helped me draw closer to God. Pastor Jeton has been such a great encouragement to me and such a blessing in my walk with the Lord.”
Irena, an Albanian living in Greece shares a similar sentiment; “I Thank God that you have now an APP so I can listen to my favorite shows at any time. I used to listen you online but with the App it is so easy when I’m on my car driving or when I’m in my shop. I have been downloading pastor Hervin’s messages and I’m very much blessed. Thank you so much for this very insightful messages. I have learned a lot."
We still also receive a multitude of responses to The Tide on air heart language radio programs. Here are the testimonies of just a few of the lives you have been helping to touch with the gospel:
Your radio program has brought a tremendous change in my life. I was living in the darkness but now my life is completely changed. The word of God touched my heart and I realized my sins and confessed before the God. I want to read the Bible so please send me a complete Odia Bible and help me know more Jesus Christ. (Odia listener)
I am a new listener to your radio program. The program touched my heart, showed me a new path and gave me hope. I belong to a Hindu (non-Christian) family and do not know how to worship Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore I am writing you to help and guide me further. (Kui listener)
I am a college student, but I have been regularly listening to your Radio Broadcast. It is a very good radio program. Prior to listen to the Radio program, I had the idea that all religions are same, but now I have come to know that Jesus Christ is the only God who can save me from my sins. I am ready to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. Please pray for me to take that step. Thanking You! (Bengali listener)
After listening to the Radio program “AMAR BANI”, I have become interested to follow Jesus Christ. There was no peace in my life but after listening to the word of God through your radio program my sinful life was changed. Pray for my family. I would like to receive some literature from your office, so please send me some booklets. (Bengali listener)

As you can see, your support is making a big difference in the lives of many people. Thank you!
The Tide will continue sharing the gospel message, both through traditional radio broadcasts and using other innovative methods, until that glorious day when our risen Christ returns and we all see him, but we cannot do that without your help. Your support of The Tide ministry has helped us reach so many through heart language radio broadcasts and on the ground discipleship activities, and I am writing to ask you to give an extra Easter gift so that we can continue developing apps and forging into new areas of ministry so that even more people can be introduced to Jesus. My heart’s desire is to see others experience the same assurance that you and I have, being convinced that Jesus is risen and having absolute confidence that someday we will see him face to face.
May your Easter celebration be a proclamation that He is risen and one day we will see Him!