The Tide Ministry Looks Back on 2016 and Ahead to 2017

The past year has been a busy and exciting time for The Tide®️ ministry, as we celebrated our 70th anniversary while continuing to pursue our mission to creatively share the Good News of Jesus Christ worldwide through media and partnerships.
Through God's faithfulness and your support, we were able to make great progress in 2016 on a number of initiatives to help us tell more people around the world about Jesus.
In 2015, we began an Albanian radio outreach in two major cities in Albania, and also in one city in neighboring Kosovo, where Albanian is the official language. The many positive responses from Albanian listeners prompted us to make it a goal for 2016 to add another day of programming in each of these countries.
Praise God that we not only added another day of programming, but are now also airing the programs in a third city in Albania and a second city in Kosovo! Albanian listeners can now hear the Gospel more frequently, and we are reaching new believers through the additional stations. 
An exciting development for 2017 is the  news that Radio 7, our partner  ministry in Albania, is planning to launch a new radio station in neighboring Macedonia. A large percentage of the population in Macedonia is Albanian, and therefore, this new station will be used to broadcast programming in two languages: Albanian and Macedonian. Radio 7 has committed to air our Albanian programs, which we are already producing in Albania and Kosovo, on its station in Macedonia free of charge!
In 2016, the Lord enabled further progress toward the goal for The Tide®️ ministry to share God's word in Thailand, where less than 2% of the population is Christian. This project was initiated in 2015, when we entered into an agreement with a ministry partner in Thailand to produce and air Gospel messages in the Isaan language, which is spoken by 19 million people in Thailand.
By the end of 2016, the recording and production of an initial set of programs had been completed and is currently being evaluated and reviewed by ministry personnel in Thailand. As we continue to move forward with this project, pray that God will direct us to the most effective method of making these programs publicly available to Isaan listeners. We are currently weighing the options of traditional on-air broadcasting, distribution on portable media players, and online access. 
One of our goals for 2016 that we didn't quite see to completion yet is the construction of a new recording studio for the Amagugu Evangeli radio ministry in Zimbabwe, but we are hopeful that this project will continue progressing and that the studio will be occupied and fully functional before the end of this year. Praise God that even with the limitations of the current small, outdated facility, we have seen an increasing number of people responding to the Ndebele language radio programs in Zimbabwe, and Amagugu Evengli is now also producing an English language program that is reaching young people in the U.K.!
From Albania to Zimbabwe, the message of salvation through Jesus Christ is briging hope and healing to a lost and hurting world, but there are still many throughout the world who do not know Jesus, and we continue to count on individuals and Christian groups to help us both physically and financially in our various efforts to bring people into relationship with Jesus. 
We are very grateful for you and the role you play in helping us share the love of Christ, and pray you will continue joining hands with us to bring hope to many more people who are lost and living in darkness!


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