Easter 2018

As Christ followers, we are daily aware of our privileged life as adopted children of the Most High God, but it is still very special and meaningful for us to celebrate Easter every year. It is a wonderful time of very specifically remembering and honoring what Jesus did for us through His death on the cross and subsequent resurrection.

Here in America we live in an environment where we can freely live out our faith and publicly join together with others to joyfully celebrate Easter. Our government even recognizes Easter as a national holiday! In some parts of the world, however, Easter is not celebrated, and there are many who have not yet personally responded to the call to belong to Jesus Christ because they haven’t yet heard the Gospel message.

Fortunately, people like you whose hearts are filled with Christ’s compassion for the spiritually lost have been generously helping The Tide ministry in our efforts to make sure all people everywhere have the opportunity to hear about Jesus in the language they were born to speak. The Tide mission is to creatively share the Good News of Jesus Christ worldwide through media and partnerships. You play a key role in helping to fulfill that mission. Thank you for helping us give people the opportunity to know Jesus as their risen Savior, who meets them where they are and leads them forward in a new life of hope!

In their own words, here are testimonies from people whose lives you have helped to impact with the Gospel:

“I listened to the ‘Aap Ke Liye’ and ‘Nav Jeevan’ radio programs for the first time. While listening to the programs, I learned about the birth of Jesus Christ and His purpose to come into this world. I now believe in Jesus Christ and there is a desire to know more about Him.”—India

“I have regularly listened to your Hindi programs ‘Aap Ke Liye’ and ‘Nav Jeevan.’ The messages are so powerful and full of blessings and encouragement. My whole life has been changed by listening to these blessed programs and I thank God for it. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.”—India

“I have been listening to your radio program ‘Shanti Data’ since 1994 and had a regular contact with you through letters, but I am sorry that for the last two to three years I could not contact you. Thanks for continuing to broadcast your blessed program. Some years ago during our correspondence, you had sent me a New Testament and I read it regularly. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I am very thankful to you for helping me to know Christ as my Savior and leading me to life eternal.”—India

“I used to be a Muslim. I come from a Muslim Family background and came to the Lord as a result of listening to Radio 7 and a lot of discussions with the staff. When I became a Christian, I began to pray for the salvation of my family. I talked with everyone about how wonderful are the programs on the radio. As a result, they begin to listen to Radio 7. The programs ‘Sipas Fjales’ has helped them to understand the Bible. Now my mother is meeting with Pastor K to learn more about the Bible. One day she asked him that how can she receive God and His love. So Pastor K explained that to her. Now she is a believer and comes regularly to church. Together we are praying for the salvation of my father.”—Albania

 “I thank you for the spiritual light you have brought to show us success and victory in Christ Jesus. I accept that the Holy Spirit that is at work in me will provide me direction guidance inspiration to lead my life aright to His glory. Thanks for the radio ministry.”—Nigeria

“Thank you very much. Your preaching revives. May God do you good and His mercy be more. I love this program and I am one of those who prayed the salvation prayer with you.”—Zimbabwe

All these people were once considered foreigners who were lost in spiritual darkness, but now they are our brothers and sisters in the Lord! Your support has made an eternal difference in the lives of all these people, and many more that we may never hear from. Thank you!

As encouraging and gratifying as these testimonies are, the fact remains that there is a huge number of people who have not yet accepted God’s offer to adopt them into His forever family. We are committed to continue sharing the Gospel message through The Tide heart language radio programs, and to provide discipleship resources to help listeners embrace the God of grace and love who they hear about through those radio programs.

To do that, we need your ongoing financial support. We greatly appreciate the support you have already provided, and I am writing to ask you—as part of your Easter celebration this year—to once again give a special gift to The Tide ministry so that we can continue introducing people to Jesus in the language they were born to speak.

Together we can make it possible for more and more people around the world to experience the new life that Jesus made possible through His death and resurrection. May your Easter celebration be filled with joy, knowing that one day we, along with people from every tribe, tongue and nation, will join together in worshipping our risen, living and life-giving Savior—God’s Son Jesus, our Christ and Messiah.

In Christ’s love,

Don Shenk, Director

The post Easter 2018 appeared first on The Tide.


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