Smaller Parts

Reading: Psalm 46, Matthew 28:18-20, Rev 7:9-10

I have a tendency to take on large and complicated projects.  My longest-term project has been the renovation of the stone farmhouse that belonged to my grandparents.  Because my family and I are living in the house while we renovate it, we have to break the large job into smaller parts.  Some of them are easy to figure out, like adding a wall or taking down an old ceiling.  One of the hard jobs, though, has been building a new staircase.  Because this job is so complicated, I really didn’t want to tackle it – but this past December, it had to be done.  I began by measuring and drawing and then, as I focused on doing the next necessary part, I found that although it took time and attention, the staircase began to take shape.

Scripture is clear that God will be exalted by all the nations (ethnic groups), and that a great multitude from all nations will praise Him.  It’s also clear that we have a part to play in this.  How often though, are we overwhelmed by the complexity or the challenge of this great vision and future hope?  My lesson from stair-building encourages me.  If I focus on doing the next obedient thing that God has given me to do, I will find that the pieces begin to come together and the job progresses.  If we each focus on the next obedient thing we’ve been given to do, we find that God’s work on earth is accomplished.

God, thank you that you don’t ask us to figure out how to accomplish your great mission for the world, but instead give us a next obedient step to take.  Help each of us to take that step, whatever it may be.

Jonathan Llyod

The post Smaller Parts appeared first on The Tide.


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