Leave Sin Behind

Reading: Isaiah 58:3-7

The men of Israel had many feasts and fasts which they observed. They thought that if they refrained from food either totally or partially, the Lord would be pleased with them. They found it easier to refrain from food than it was to stop sinning. In fact they had no real intention to break off their sins. The Lord was so displeased that he refused to dwell among them. He wanted them to cease to do evil and to learn to do well. Just saying they were going to do something wasn’t enough. He wanted change and action.

This is the fast He calls for even now. To put away sin and wickedness. Not for a passing season, but for good!

Prayer: Lord here and now, I confess and forsake every wicked thing I know. Deliver me from every sinful action and habit. In Christ’s name, Amen.

The post Leave Sin Behind appeared first on The Tide.


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