Reaching New Believers in Thailand in Unconventional Ways

Less than 2 percent of the population in Thailand believes in Jesus, but The Tide® is hoping to grow this tiny yet significant group by reaching listeners in unconventional ways. Securing radio airtime in this predominantly Buddhist nation can be challenging, but we have been impacting souls with the hope of Christ through audio Gospel recordings in the Isaan language, spoken by 19 million people in Thailand.

Though not yet airing over a radio station, the “Life Answers” program is distributed and utilized on portable media players called Envoy or Storyteller devices. As more programs are produced by locals, plans are in the works to broadcast via radio as early as this summer.

“The Tide ministry’s reach through these media players is having a noticeable impact,” said The Tide Director Don Shenk. “Our partners and workers on the ground in Thailand are also committed to making programming available in multiple media outlets, such as posting audio and video Bible stories and testimonies on YouTube and Facebook. This enables The Tide ministry to reach another demographic in addition to those who listen to the radio. We know this programming is making a difference, because we hear from potential and new believers who are facing varying degrees of pushback for their interest in Christianity.”

Buddhism is the most widespread religion in Thailand, and Theravada Buddhism, the oldest surviving branch of Buddhism, is especially strong among the Isaan people of northeastern Thailand. With the introduction of this newest language for Gospel radio programming, The Tide ministry hopes to reach this group with the truth of the Bible and the grace of God.

Read more about Thailand

The post Reaching New Believers in Thailand in Unconventional Ways appeared first on The Tide.


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