My Heart for The Tide: Jonathan Lloyd

My walk with Jesus began when I was a five-year-old who was convicted of my sin and wanted to be forgiven.  I was blessed with a rich heritage of faith, and as I grew older, I also grew in my understanding of and commitment to Jesus Christ.  After college I worked as an engineer, but felt a nudge from the Lord to gain discipleship training and ministry experience.  I joined what was then Kingdom Building Minstries’ summer discipleship program in 1999 where I had my first experience in overseas short-term missions, spending a month in Thailand teaching English as a practical mission outreach.  During this time, I sensed God’s calling to future mission service. I returned to my engineering job at the end of the summer and then interned with KBM to help lead a team to China for a month in the summer of 2000.  During these trips, God confirmed in me a heart for reaching the nations with his love and a commitment to be obedient to participate in this great task. 

I married my wife, Erica, in 2002. In 2005, I moved, along with my wife and small daughter, to Malawi, Africa, to serve as missionaries with Brethren in Christ World Missions.  Our family lived in a village and worked to learn language and culture and share Christ primarily in relational ways.  This experience gave me an understanding of the opportunity to reach people through Christian radio, as I visited remote villages where radio has been able to reach. We served with Brethren in Christ World Missions in Malawi from 2005-2010.  In my present role as the Director of BIC US Missions, I continue to seek God’s strength and wisdom to do His work.  I have seen God’s faithfulness in so many ways, and I continue to seek to grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

When I was serving with KBM, I spent time discerning and writing a life-purpose statement.  At that time, I was impressed by the opportunity to use technology to spread the gospel and wanted to participate, and I am now honored to be a part of The Tide Board of Directors.  I have been acquainted with The Tide ministry for many years, and I believe that radio can be a highly effective medium for reaching hearts with the Gospel.  Jesus told his disciples to “Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them…and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”  The Tide ministry empowers believers in a number of nations to effectively and quickly spread Bible teaching in an effort to reach their nations with the gospel of Jesus, and is committed to both broadcasting gospel teaching as well as following-up (a key component of making disciples).  I really enjoy being a part of this kind of ministry – that both partners with brothers and sisters around the world and uses the radio to extend the reach of the teaching they offer. I love that The Tide ministry is committed to both parts of the Great Commission and I am excited about the opportunity for The Tide ministry to reach into language and culture groups who have not adequately heard the good news of Jesus.

The post My Heart for The Tide: Jonathan Lloyd appeared first on The Tide.


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