Reaching Out to the Poor in Kosovo While Spreading the Gospel

We have been partnering with local pastors and Christian groups in Kosovo for more than two years, and tangible impact is being felt. A pastor in Kosovo who broadcasts Gospel radio programming in partnership with The Tide ministry also leads a congregation in Gjakova. The group has expanded its outreach into the nearby town of Klina through contacts with radio listeners there.

“Our partner pastor reports that the opportunities and the openness of people in Klina has surprised everyone,” said Director Don Shenk. “God has opened many doors and allowed our ministry partners to meet key and influential people, but also many poor families. This spring, a local church visited the director of Social Welfare in Klina and was provided with a list of 11 families in need. Soon after, they spent a day visiting these families and distributing food. Many were widows, orphans or sick, but all were in need of the love and care of Jesus.”

The pastor in Kosovo also reported that three people from one of the families accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior, growing the small but dedicated church in Klina. The Gjakova congregation also travels to Klina twice a month to teach English, pray and visit with new friends and families. A Saturday church service has been added as well.

One radio listener in Kosovo talked about his family and the personal way he has been affected, giving a glimpse into the challenges many Kosovo families experience.

“Like many other families in Kosovo, my family suffered a big loss of family members during the last war in Kosovo,” the listener shared. “The weight of that time is hard on my heart, and no one has been able to help me deal with this deep pain. I have been listening Pastor J on the radio for some time. One day he shared his story, which is so similar to mine. There was deep pain in his heart as well, but he found strength to overcome it. I wanted the same strength, so I called Pastor J and we had a very good conversation. Thank you for this wonderful program.”

Read more about what we’re doing in Kosovo here

The post Reaching Out to the Poor in Kosovo While Spreading the Gospel appeared first on The Tide.


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