Listeners to The Tide® Ministry’s Gospel Radio Programs in India Testify to Life Change

With more than 1.3 billion people and 2,295 people groups in India, so many still need to hear the salvation message of Jesus Christ. For four decades, The Tide® has been recording and broadcasting Gospel programming in this populous country, potentially reaching millions with the Good News.

“Of the nearly 2,300 people groups in India, about 2,000 are still considered unreached with the Gospel,” said The Tide Director Don Shenk. “Multiple religions are practiced throughout India, but Hinduism is the largest, and only about 2 percent of the population professes to be Christian. So there are still so many more who need to hear about the unconditional love and saving grace of Jesus. Even with the many testimonials we hear from listeners in India whose lives have been changed, there is still much work to do for our Savior!”

In India, The Tide ministry’s radio outreach is complemented by effective discipleship activities including literature distribution, Bible correspondence courses, seekers conferences and discipleship seminars, and a radio distribution project called “Radios for India.”

Shenk has just returned traveling in India, Nepal and Pakistan to meet with leaders there, learn more about the culture and immerse in the languages of these beautiful countries. The Tide team will also be honored to perhaps meet some of those whose lives have been impacted by The Tide ministry’s radio broadcasts, such as these listeners and Tide partners who reported their experiences:

  • “Two sisters from one family are coming to our church service but their father opposes them (going). We (our church members) prayed for them. Thank God now their father allowed to them attend the church service. Now they are coming regularly to the church and getting blessings and peace. Pray for them.”
  • “Every Sunday, nearly 15 to 20 people gather at the community hall to listen to the ‘Shanti Data’ radio program. Most of them are non-Christians but they listen to the program with great interest. Every week I go their place and conduct Bible study.”
  • “This is my first letter to you and I am happy to share that I have been blessed and encouraged by listening to ‘Nav Jeevan’ program. My family members also listen to this program and are blessed. Please continue to broadcast this blessed program so that many lives would be changed.”
  • “I have been listening to your Kui (language) program ‘Ehpa Gatanju’ since two years (ago). It gives me peace and joy in my life. My other family members also listen to this program. I love Jesus Christ.”
  • “Your radio program ‘Ehpa Gatanju’ has become my favorite program. I listen to it regularly every Saturday and receive blessings. Your program is a source of blessings and good things to us.”
  • “I am a regular listener to your Kui (language) radio program ‘Ehpa Gatanju’ and receive blessings and guidance in my life. This program has filled my heart with a new joy and hope. I come from a non-Christian family but now I believe in Jesus Christ.”

The post Listeners to The Tide® Ministry’s Gospel Radio Programs in India Testify to Life Change appeared first on The Tide.


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