Christians in India Persecuted for Beliefs But The Tide® Gospel Radio Programs Bring Hope

Open Doors USA has told the tragic story of a couple in India who was brutally beaten by neighbors in their community for one simple reason: They refused to reject their Christian faith and participate in a local ritual.

These are the precious people who have access to Gospel radio programming because of The Tide® , which has been recording and broadcasting messages of the hope of Jesus in India since 1978. Today, we offer programming in eight languages, reaching people groups that are heavily influenced by strong Hindu beliefs, traditions and rituals. These programs, recorded in the languages the people of India were born to speak, aim to lift up listeners and provide the hope of Christ.

“With a population of over 1.3 billion people, India is very densely populated, and more than 2,000 of the 2,295 people groups in India are still considered unreached with the Gospel,” said Director Don Shenk. “Multiple religions are practiced throughout India, but Hinduism is the largest, and only about 2 percent of the population professes to be Christian. That means there are still over 1.2 billion people in India who don’t yet know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior!”

Shenk is currently traveling to India, Nepal and Pakistan to meet with leaders there, learn more about the culture and immerse in the languages of these beautiful countries.

Over the past 40 years, The Tide ministry in India has grown from a single Hindi language broadcast to include radio programs in eight Indian languages, and plans are in the works to reach even more people groups in the future. Programs are produced in The Tide ministry’s studio in India using indigenous ministers who can effectively communicate the message of Christ to their own people in their native tongue.

The post Christians in India Persecuted for Beliefs But The Tide® Gospel Radio Programs Bring Hope appeared first on The Tide.


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