Focusing on Putting Gospel Literature in Hands of Listeners

Since 1978, The Tide® ( ministry has not only broadcast Gospel radio programming to the ears of millions of people in India, but has put the Gospel message into their hands as well.


In India, The Tide ministry’s radio outreach is complemented by effective discipleship activities including literature distribution, Bible correspondence courses, seekers conferences and discipleship seminars, and a radio distribution project called “Radios for India.”


“This combination of ministry elements has proven to be extremely effective in changing lives throughout India and planting churches where believers can be nurtured in their faith and through which whole communities can be drawn into the Kingdom of God,” said The Tide Director Don Shenk.


Shenk is currently traveling in India, Nepal and Pakistan to meet with leaders there, learn more about the culture and immerse in the languages of these beautiful countries. The Tide team will also be honored to perhaps meet some of those who requested and received literature about Jesus Christ, such as these listeners in India:

  • “(The) last five to six months, I have been listening to your ‘Shanti Data’ radio program. Your program is my favorite because through this program I came to know about Jesus Christ and His love. I don’t have any Christian literature. So please send me your literature.”
  • “Thanks for sending me the Bible Correspondence Course. After I studied the lesson, I learned about God’s love for us. I am also listening to your ‘Shanti Data’ Odia program every week and getting peace in my heart.  I do not have any Bible or a New Testament. Please send and remember me in your prayer.”
  • “I am a regular listener to your radio program ‘Shanti Data.’ Your program is very interesting and teaches me many good things. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Please send me some literature and pray for my spiritual growth.”
  • “I am very happy and glad to listen to your ‘Aap Ke Liye’ broadcast. All the messages of your broadcast are good and instructive. I am anxious to know more about Jesus Christ and want to study the Bible Correspondence Course. Therefore, send me the course in the Hindi language and also send your program schedule.”
  • “I am a regular listener to your ‘Jiwan Roti’ program. I am very much interested to know more about Jesus Christ and learn His teachings. So please send me any literature about Jesus and help me to know Him.”
  • “I have been listening to the radio program ‘Jiwan Roti.’ I am very happy and blessed by listening to this program and have gained spiritual blessings. I am anxious to learn more about the Lord Jesus Christ and His teachings, so please send me some literature.”

In India, The Tide ministry offers programming in eight languages, an important component being that each program is recorded by an indigenous pastor or partner in the languages the listeners were born to speak.

The post Focusing on Putting Gospel Literature in Hands of Listeners appeared first on The Tide.


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