Guys Who Grow Goatees Can Join The Tide® Ministry’s Year Beard ‘No Shave November’

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa.—Men who weren’t quite brave enough to be a part of The Tide® ( ministry’s unique “Year Beard” challenge during all of 2019 still have a chance to help the global radio organization raise funds and awareness as it spreads the Gospel worldwide.

The Tide ministry and “Year Beard” participants are on the cusp of a special monthlong observation called “No Shave November,” where guys who grow goatees, a beard or even a mustache can make a shorter facial hair commitment yet still help more people learn about the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Fourteen men have been growing their beards all year with a $1,000 fundraising goal each to help The Tide ministry purchase more airtime for its Gospel radio broadcasts in Asia, Africa and Europe. A motivating factor is the knowledge that for every dollar given, 20 more people worldwide can hear about Jesus. Thus far, $16,000 has been raised through the initiative.

“The group of ‘Year Beard’ men have created so much interesting conversation and awareness this year for The Tide ministry and our world,” said Director of Development Mark Story, who initiated the project and is also a participant. “They have been able to share that The Tide ministry records, produces or broadcasts Gospel audio programming that reaches listeners across eight nations and in 25 languages. These people groups are impacted in a much greater way if they can hear about Christ in the languages they were born to speak. And the Year Beard participants have played a significant role in creating excitement about the work we have done here at The Tide ministry for nearly 75 years.”

For “No Shave November,” men who sign up will commit to not shaving for the entire month and to raising $100 for The Tide ministry. Participants are provided with resources so they may speak to friends, family members, co-workers and neighbors about the mission of The Tide ministry and will also receive a Year Beard t-shirt. Learn more at

Listeners around the world benefit from The Tide ministry’s partnerships, as they hear about Christ and His love for them, such as this listener named Tomide in Nigeria.

“I want to thank you for the radio you gave to me,” she said. “The ‘Labarun Lafia’ (program) is really a source hope for me and family. I want to glorify God for the advice you gave me. The teaching of love has so much improved my daily life in the family.”


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